Sunday, April 15, 2018

My DVD Collection 6.0

Hi, everybody! Another birthday means another DVD collection update. New to this collection are WALL-E (on Blu-Ray), Fantastic Mr. Fox (also on on Blu-Ray), Song of the Sea, April and the Extraordinary World, Coco, and some more Best of the Muppet Show DVDs.
This picture shows every movie/special I will watch between April 11th and May 11th. However, I do not own Rio 2, It's the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown, or It's the Pied Piper, Charlie Brown. They are all rentals from the library.

The grey tin in this section is the rare Walt Disney Treasures: Silly Symphonies DVD.


Once again, the black DVD case (the one above Dumbo and below Monsters Inc) is Walt Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

Well, that wraps up my DVD collection for now! On April 25th, I will post an announcement for my remake of an old story I have written, Steven and Phoebe!


  1. You are a very good writer that knows a lot about Disney and Pixar stuff. You are the only person that I know in my life that knows a lot of the views on Disney and Pixar Stuff. You are the only person I know in my life that has a blog about Disney and Pixar Stuff. Thank you so much Andrew for sharing this blog to me. I am looking forward to reading your new blog that you have written about Steven and Phoebe.

    1. You are a very good writer that knows a lot about Disney and Pixar movies. You are the only person that I know in my life that knows a lot of the views on Disney and Plxar movies. You are the only person I know in my life that has a blog about Finseh and Pixar movies. Thank you so much Andrew for sharing this blog to me. I am looking forward to reading you new blog that you have written about Steven and Phoebe.
