Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Louise vs. the Equalites Chapter 5

Later that day, Louise and Ping arrived at Saffron City. Louise’s Pokemon by this point included Rockette, Oliver, Evinrude (her Yanma), Puja, Maggie, and Bella (her Bellsprout), all of which were between Levels 18-21.

“Let’s start by evolving Geodude into Graveler.”  Said Ping. “Golem is a powerhouse of a Pokemon, so you’re very lucky to have caught a Geodude. Ground beats Fire, Electric, Poison, Rock, and Steel, while Rock beats Bug, Fire and Flying.”

“But what about my other Pokemon?” Asked Louise.

“They should evolve as well.” Replied Ping. When they arrived at the Fighting Dojo, it was packed with Trainers with Flying, Psychic, and Fairy-Type Pokemon.

“What’s the occasion?” Asked Louise.

“They’re gonna give away a rare Fighting-Type Egg to whoever beats Kiyo!” Said a younger Trainer.

“Let me guess.” Said Louise. “Tyrogue.”

“Nope.” Said the Trainer.

“Mankey?” Asked Ping.

“It’s a Riolu egg.” Said another Trainer. “He got the Egg from a special Breeder who specializes in canine Pokemon like Growlithe, Snubbull, and Lillipup to make sure they have the best moves, Natures, and Abilities!”

“This is your chance, Louise!” Said Ping, handing her a brown diamond. “Use this opportunity to train Geodude.”

“What’s the diamond for?” Asked Louise.

“You’ll see.” Ping replied with a smile on his face.

“Actions speak louder than words!” Said the first Trainer. “Go, Pidgeotto!” Pidgeotto was sent out.

“I choose you!” Shouted Louise. “Rockette!” Rockette was sent out.

“Pidgeotto!” Said Trainer 1. “Use Steel Wing!” Pidgeotto tried smacking Rockette with his wings, but luckily, the Geodude avoided the attack.

“Rockette!” Said Louise. “Use Rock Slide!” Rockette threw boulders at Pidgeotto, and the Bird Pokemon fainted.

“How was that possible?!” Asked Trainer 1. “My Pidgeotto is Level 28! What Level is your Geodude?”

“Level 21.” Answered Louise. “Though she might end up being Level 23 after the battle. How did this happen?”

“I gave you a Rock Gem.” Said Ping. “They power up Rock-Type attacks. There is one Gem for each of the 18 known Types, and I own and study all of them.”

“Good thing I have a Pokemon that counters Rock!” Said Trainer 1, returning Pidgeotto to his Poke Ball. “Go, Azumarill!” Azumarill was sent out.

“You did a good job, Rockette!” Said Louise, returning the Rock Pokemon to her Poke Ball. “Go, Bella!” Bella was sent out.

“Azumarill!” Said Trainer 1. “Use Body Slam!” Azumarill jumped into the air and crashed into Bella, leaving the Flower Pokemon with half her HP.

“Bella!” Said Louise. “Use Razor Leaf!” Bella shot leaves at Azumarill, leaving the Aqua Rabbit Pokemon with half his HP.

“Azumarill!” Said Trainer 1. “Use Hydro Pump!” Azumarill tried to fire lots of water at Bella, but the attack missed and drenched another trainer.

“Sorry.” Said Ping. “We’re having a battle here.”

“Bella!” Said Louise. “Use Razor Leaf again!” Bella shot more sharp leaves at Azumarill, and the Aqua Rabbit Pokemon fainted.

“I knew I should’ve taught Azumarill Ice Beam.” Said Trainer 1, returning the Aqua Rabbit Pokemon to his Poke Ball. Before he could send out his next Pokemon, something was happening to Bellsprout.

“What’s happening?” Asked Louise.

“Your Bellsprout is evolving!” Said Ping. Bella’s head grew so big that its body couldn’t support it. The leaves migrated to the sides of her head, and the eyes changed, too. Bella had evolved into Weepinebll.

“Good thing my final Pokemon is a Psychic-Type!” Said Trainer 1, returning Azumarill to his Poke Ball. “Go, Mr. Mime!” Mr. Mime was sent out.

“You deserve a rest, Bella!” Said Louise, returning the Weepinebell to her Poke Ball. “Go, Evinrude!” Evinrude was sent out.

“Evinrude!” Said Louise. “Use Lunge!” Evinrude lunged towards Mr. Mime and attacked with full force, leaving the Barrier Pokemon with 60% of her HP.

“Mr. Mime!” Said Trainer 1. “Use Thunder!” Mr. Mime attacked Evinrude with a wicked bolt of lightning, and the Yanma fainted.

“Oh no!” Said Louise, returning Evinrude to his Poke Ball. “Good thing Mr. Mime is a dual-Type Pokemon! Go, Maggie!” Maggie was sent out.

“Too bad Magnemite is weak against the next attack!” Said Trainer 1. “Mr. Mime, use Focus Blast!” Mr. Mime heightened her mental focus and unleashed her power, but luckily, the attack missed and broke a window in the dojo. While everyone was distracted, Ping snuck a Steel Gem onto Magnemite’s right magnet.

“Magnemite!” Said Louise. “Use Flash Cannon!” Magnemite emitted a powerful flash strong enough to make Mr. Mime faint. The flash was strong enough to catch the attention of Kiyo, who walked over to Louise and Ping.

“What’s all the commotion?” He asked.

“We just finished a battle, sir.” Replied Ping. “No need to alert the authorities.”

“We?” Asked Louise.

“I can see that you used Gems in this battle.” Said Kiyo. “Gems are strong items that power up one move. Where did you get the Steel Gem?”

“I gave one to her.” Said Ping. “I am Professor Gingko from Pignhei, and I study Pokemon moves. I also collect and use Gems, since I feel that they’re unique and underutilized.”

“Very wise.” Said Kiyo. “You have been teaching this girl well. What is your name, young madam?”

“Louise.” She answered.

“Louise,” Said Kiyo, taking out the Riolu egg. “Even though I haven’t witnessed the whole battle, I think you’re ready. You deserve this Riolu egg.” He handed Louise the Riolu egg.

“Thank you,” Said Louise. “But I have enough Pokemon, already.”

“Very well.” Said Kiyo, taking back the egg. “Take this instead. It’s a rare TM that contains the move necessary to evolve Yanma into Yanmega.” She handed Louise an unnumbered TM that contained Ancient Power.

“Thank you.” Said Louise. “But I need to evolve 15 of my Pokemon to defeat Gong Shen in Pingehi. He wants to force everyone to use only Electric, Dark, and Poison-Type Pokemon.”

“I will help you evolve all the Pokemon in your Party, if I have to!” Said Kiyo. “Everyone!” Whoever beats Louise will receive 50 Rare Candies!” All the Trainers roared, but Ping felt something fishy.

“But you probably don’t have 50 Rare Candies.” He whispered to Kiyo.

“That’s alright.” Replied Kiyo. “Besides, I have a feeling that none of these Trainers will defeat a girl with this much moxie!”


Back in Pinghei, Gong Shen ordered a Grunt to capture four powerful Legendaries to pit against Yuza and Terra to distract them: Wo-Chien, Chien-Pao, Ting-Lu, and Chi-Yu. He then traveled all over the Region to find the two, and they were having a date together near Soda Lake.

“Oh, it’s you.” Said Terra. “Looks like we have to arrest you.”

“But I have a surprise.” Said Grunt. “Let’s see how you can handle these!” He sent out four Timer Balls that contained the Treasures of Ruin: Wo-Chien, Chien-Pao, Ting-Lu, and Chi-Yu.

“This will distract you two while we continue our crime spree!” Said Grunt, pulling out a bottle of a purple substance. He opened up the bottle, and a gas came out that made the Legendaries go berserk.

“Looks like we’re gonna have to fight these Pokemon and return them to their habitats.” Said Yuna.

‘You got it, girlfriend.” Said Terra, and they started a Pokemon battle against the Legendaries.

Author's Notes: In Pokemon Black and White, players can find Gems that power up moves that correspond with its Type. They're a bit like Z-Moves from Sun and Moon, but more affordable.
In Pokemon: Detective Pikachu, there is a substance known as R. It is made from the same chemicals that helped create Mewtwo, and will make a Pokemon of any species go berserk Zootopia style.
Evinrude (Louise's Yanma) is named after the friendly dragonfly from The Rescuers.
After for why he didn't appear in The Rescuers Down Under, there are three possible reasons. #1. Evinriude is from Louisiana, and the Rescue Aid Society's main branch is located in New York. #2. It was way too cold when Bernard and Bianca got notified about Cody's kidnapping. #3. Dragonflies as adults only have a lifespan of 6-8 weeks.
Soda Lake is named after one of the locations in Super Mario World. Completing this level will unlock a path to the Star World, which has a secret area leading to the final boss.

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