Thursday, August 15, 2024

Louise vs. the Equalites Chapter 6

By the next day, five of Louise’s Pokemon have been evolved: Honda into Revavroom, Emmet (her Buizel) into Floatzel, Rockette into Graveler, Evinrude into Yanmega, Puja into Hypno, and Maggie into Magneton. Louise and Ping decided to stay at a hotel in Celadon City until she was ready to fight Gong Shen. Anyway, the two had finished breakfast, and Ping decided to ask Lousie a question.

“Do you know what trades are?” He asked.

“Of course I do!” She replied. “It’s when two Trainers exchange Pokemon in order to either evolve them or get Pokemon unavailable in that Region.”

“Well, do you know about GTS?” He asked.

“Sorry, but Dynaxing doesn’t work on humans.” Answered Louise. “They've tried, and it’s not pretty.”

“Not that!” Replied Ping. “I’m talking about a Global Trade Station. It’s where you can meet Trainers from all over the world to trade Pokemon instead of going to your local Pokemon Center.”

“I believe there’s one in Goldenrod City,” Said Louise. “Where the Game Corner used to be. It was shut down when players got upset over Voltorb Flip.”

“Looks like we’ll be going to Goldenrod, then.” Declared Ping. “We might also buy some Stones from Celadon later today.” Louise got out Honda and rode him to Saffron City, with Ping following in pursuit.

“Why didn’t I bring Dragonite?” He asked himself.


An hour has passed, and Louise and Ping have arrived in Goldenrod City. Right where the Goldenrod Game Corner used to be, there was a tall building with all sorts of gadgets inside. When the two entered the building, they were greeted by a Nurse Joy lookalike.

“Welcome to the Global Trade Center!” She said. “Here, you can trade with any Trainer from all over the world. Would you like to trade with another Trainer from another Region?”

“Yes, actually.” Said Louise. “My Graveler needs to evolve into Golem, but I need someone to trade with.”

“Are you looking for any Pokemon in particular?” Asked the NJ lookalike.

“Not really.” Answered Louise. “Any species will do. As long as it’s not Seadra, Kadrabra, Haunter, or Onix.”

“Very well.” Said the NJ lookalike. “Head to the computer to the right of the building. We will call another Trainer from around the world and hook you up with him or her in a moment.” Louise and Ping walked over to the computer, sat in front of it, and waited for a Trainer to show up on screen. Soon, an Alolan girl around Louise’s age popped up on screen.

“Hi, there!” She said. “My name is Mahina. A little Spearow told me that you need to evolve your Graveler into Golem. That’s convenient since I need to evolve Slowpoke into Slowking! Do you suppose you could help me?”

“Sure!” Replied Louise, and a cylinder with a hole big enough to place a Poke Ball in popped out of the keyboard.

“Please take good care of Rockette, Mahina.” Said Louise. “She’s my only Rock-Type Pokemon I have. As well as my only Ground-Type, for that matter.”

“As long as you take good care of Slowqueen!” Replied Mahina. The two girls then placed their Poke Balls in the cylinder, and after a few minutes, a Net Ball popped out of Louise’s cylinder. She opened the Poke Ball, and Slowpoke came out holding a King’s Rock.

“This must be Slowqueen.” Said Louise, and the Dopey Pokemon started evolving. Slowqueen got taller, grew a fancy frill, and the King’s Rock turned into a sentient shell that sat on her head. Slowqueen had evolved into Slowking.

“Wow, did you see that?” Said Mahina. “Graveler evolved into Golem! Is it okay if I use her in battle for a few hours?”

“Okay.” Said Louise. “But I won’t have a Rock or Ground-Type Pokemon with me.” This gave Ping an idea.

“I have an idea.” Said the Professor. “How about we go to Mt. Mortar to catch a Carbink?”

“But it isn’t Saturday.” Said Louise.

“Don’t worry!” Assured Ping. “I have my ways. Next stop, Mt., Mortar!”

Author's Notes: Emmet (Louise's Floatzel) is named after the critically acclaimed Muppet special Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas.
The Net Ball is best used to catch Water and Bug-Type Pokemon.
Starting with the DS era of Pokemon games, players can trade with other players from all over the world thanks to Wi-Fi connectivity. There would be locations in the games called Global Trade Stations, or Global Terminals, that allowed this function.

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