Meanwhile, Ghetsis was at Galar’s Ballimere Lake, and he just caught a Spiritomb. Then his phone started to ring. He grabbed the phone and answered it: The caller was Shadow Triad 2.
“Hello?” He asked.
“This is ST2.” He replied. “Joseph has beaten me and ST1! And Castle Ghetsis hasn’t been built yet!”
“Then order ST3 to arrive at wherever Joseph is heading next!” Ordered Ghetsis. “By now, he’s probably at Evergreen City!”
“Then off to Evergreen City, it is!” Said ST3, sending out Porygon3. “I won’t let you down, boss. I use Dragon-Type Pokemon! Porygon3, use Teleport!” Porygon3 teleported itself and ST3 to Evergreen City, where he’d be waiting for Joseph.
“Pray to Arceus that he doesn’t lose.” Ghetsis begged. “I’ll be on my way as soon as I can!”
After ten minutes of flying, Joseph and Talonflame have arrived at Evergreen City. However, someone was blocking the entrance.
“Hi, my name is Joseph.” Said Joe. “I need to get in there to fight the final Gym Leader.
“Well, we can’t let that happen!” Said the blocker. “As Shadow Triad #3, I need to stall you long enough for Ghetsis to return to his castle, though it’s more of a Gym, to be honest. Otherwise, our plan will go up in smoke! Go, Salamence!” Salamence was sent out.
“I choose you!” Said Joe. “Lapras!” Lapras was sent out.
“Salamence!” Said ST3. “Use Brick Break!” Salamence scratched Lapras with his mighty claws, leaving the Transport Pokemon with 65% of her HP.
“Lapras!” Said Joe. “Use Blizzard!” Lapras summoned a howling blizzard that dealt lots of damage to Salamence, leaving the Dragon Pokemon with a quarter of his HP.
“Salamence!” Said ST3.” Use Thunder Fang!” Salamence bit Lapras with shocking fangs, leaving the Transport Pokemon with 35% of her HP.
“Lapras!” Said Joe. “Use Ice Beam!” Lapras fired an icy beam at Salamence that managed to knock him out.
“Good thing my next Pokemon has a Type that counters Water!” Said ST3, returning Salamence to his Poke Ball. “Go, Exeggutor!” Alolan Exeggutor was sent out.
“You deserve a rest, Lapras!” Said Joe, returning the Transport Pokemon to her Poke Ball. “Go, Sandslash!” Alolan Sandslash was sent out.
“An Alolan Regional Variant versus another Alolan Regional Variant.” Said ST3. “How ironic.”
“Sandslash!” Said Joe. “Use Icicle Crash!” Alolan Sandslash launched large icicles at Alolan Exeggutor, leaving the Cocoanut Pokemon with half his HP.
“Exeggutor!” Said ST3. “Use Flamethrower!” Alolan Exeggutor breathed very hot flames at Alolan Sandslash, making him faint.
“That was unexpected, Sandslash!” Said Joe, returning the Mouse Pokemon to his Poke Ball. “Go, Feraligatr!” Feraligatr was sent out, with Tatsugiri in his mouth, but ST3 just laughed.
“Is that the best you could do?!” He asked. “That’s like pitting a Pikachu against a Diglett!”
“You’ll be surprised.” Said Joe. “Feraligatr, use Ice Fang!” Feraligatr bit Alolan Exeggutor’s neck with icy fangs, leaving the Cocoanut Pokemon with 10% of his HP.
“Exeggutor!” Said ST3. “Use Wood Hammer!” Alolan Exeggutor tried smacking Feraligatr with his long neck, but Tatsugiri told the Big Jaw Pokemon to dodge it.
“Feraligatr!” Said Joe. “Use Dragon Claw!” Feraligatr scratched at Alolan Exeggutor with his sharp claws, and the Cocoanut Pokemon fainted.
“My next Pokemon has great Attack stats!” Said ST3, returning Alolan Exeggutor to his Poke Ball. “Go, Druddigon!” Druddigon was sent out, but then, Feraligatr spat Tatsugiri out.
“That was outstanding, guys!” Said Joe, returning the Big Jaw Pokemon and Tatsugiri to their Poke Balls. “Go, Sylveon!” Sylveon was sent out.
“Sylveon!” Said Joe. “Use Moonblast!” Sylveon borrowed power from the moon and attacked Druddigon with a strong ray of light, leaving the Cave Pokemon with half her HP.
“Druddigon!” Said ST3. “Use Iron Tail!” Druddigon tried swinging her mighty tail at Sylveon, but the attack missed.
“Sylveon!” Said Joe. “Use Dazzling Gleam!” Sylveon attacked Druddigon with a powerful flash, and the Cave Pokemon fainted.
“Time to bring out the big guns!” Said ST3, returning Druddigon to her Poke Ball. “Go, Garchomp!” Garchomp was sent out.
“You did a great job, Sylveon!” Said Joe, returning the Intertwining Pokemon to his Poke Ball. “Go, Feraligatr!” Feraligatr was sent out.
“Garchomp!” Said ST3. “Use Earthquake!” Garchomp shook the ground violently, leaving the Big Jaw Pokemon with half his HP.
“Feraligatr!” Said Joe. “Use Avalanche!” Feraligatr summoned an avalanche to attack Garchomp, leaving the Mach Pokemon with 40% of his HP.
“Garchomp!” Said ST3. “Use Dragon Rush!” Garchomp flew into the air and tried to tackle Feraligatr, but the attack missed.
“Feraligatr!” Said Joe. “Use Ice Fang!” Feraligatr bit Garchomp with icy fangs, and the Dragon Pokemon fainted.
“Luckily, my next Pokemon is a literal tank!” Said ST3, returning Garchomp to his Poke Ball. “Go, Duraludon!” Duraludon was sent out.
“You deserve a rest, Feraligatr!” Said Joe, returning the Big Jaw Pokemon to his Poke Ball. “Go, Machamp!” Machamp was sent out.
“Duraludon!” Said ST3. “Use Dragon Claw!” Duraludon scratched at Machamp with her mighty claws, dealing about 60 Hit Points to the Superpower Pokemon.
“Machamp!” Said Joe. “Use Revenge!” Machamp slugged Duraludon with a mighty punch, leaving the Alloy Pokemon with half her HP.
“Duraludon!” Said ST3. “Use Flash Cannon!” Duraldon gathered all her light energy and released it all at once, leaving Machamp with half her HP.
“Machamp!” Said Joe. “Use Dynamic Punch!” Machamp delivered a punch at Duraludon so powerful that it didn’t just leave the Alloy Pokemon with 10% of her HP, but also confused her.
“Duraludon!” Said ST3. “Use Dragon Pulse!” Duraludon, instead, knocked herself out in confusion.
“I still have one more chance!” Said ST3, returning Duraludon to her Poke Ball. “Go, Porygon3!” Porygon3 was sent out.
“You deserve a rest, Machamp!” Said Joe, returning the Superpower Pokemon to her Poke Ball. “Go Hitmonchan!” Chusonese Hitmonchan was sent out.
“Porygon3!” Said ST3. “Use Psychic!” Porygon3 hit Chusonese Hitmonchan with a strong telekinetic force, leaving the Punching Pokemon with 3/4 of his HP.
“Hitmonchan!” Said Joe. “Use Mega Punch!” Chusonese Hitmonchan slugged Porygon3 with his mighty fists, leaving the Virtual Pokemon with 60% of its HP.
“How is that possible?” Asked ST3. “I thought Mega Punch was a Normal-Type move!”
“Hitmonchan in Chuso has the Ability Pixilate,” Joe explained. “Which turns Normal-Type moves into Fairy-Type moves, which is useful since it doesn’t know many Fairy-Type attacks.”
“Interesting.” Said ST3. “Porygon3, use Psychic again!” Porygon3 hit Chusonese Hitmonchan with another strong telekinetic force, leaving the Punching Pokemon with half his HP.
“Hitmonchan!” Said Joe. “Use Revenge!” Chusonese Hitmonchan delivered another strong punch, leaving Porygon3 with 20% of its HP.
“Porygon3!” Said ST3. “Use Recover!” Porygon3 regenerated its pixels to restore HP.
“Hitmonchan!” Said Joe. “Use Focus Punch!” Chusonese Hitmonchan focused his mind to launch an attack in the next turn.
“Focus Punch?” Said ST3! “That’s the oldest trick in the book! Any attack will be able to cancel it out. Porygon3, use Psybeam!” Porygon3 tried to fire a peculiar ray at Chusonese Hitmonchan, but luckily, the attack missed.
“Unleash the attack now, Hitmonchan!” Chusonese Hitmonchan fired a powerful punch at Porygon3 that managed to knock it out.
“This is bad.” Said ST3, returning Porygon3 to its Poke Ball. “If you need me, I’ll be training in Galar.” ST3 ran off to heal his Pokemon discreetly.
“Alex said that the hideout was located in Route 4.” Said Joe, opening up his laptop. “Guess I’ll be heading there next.” He returned Chusonese Hitmonchan to his Poke Ball and swapped him for Talonflame. He closed the laptop, put it in his backpack, and flew on the Scorching Pokemon to Chuso’s Route 4.
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