Last year, I did a rundown of where Gen 8 Pokémon, like Grookey, Scorbunny, Sobble, and Yamper, would live in our world if they existed in real life. Sword and Shield introduced 81 new species and 13 new regional forms, but with the Isle of Armor and Crown Tundra expansions, there have been more Pokémon to distribute to the real world. Let's start off with the Galarian Slowpoke line!

The Slowpoke line returns for both Isle of Armor and The Crown Tundra with three different Regional forms. Galarian Slowpoke is pure Psychic, which makes it an easier prey for Incineroar and Scizor. However, when it evolves into either Galarian Slowbro or Galarian Slowking, they become Poison/Psychic. I distributed all three of these Pokémon to India, because I believe that, until an official manatee Pokemon is revealed, Slowpoke (both Kantonian and Galarian) is the closest we have.

Kubfu (not to be confused with Cubchoo) and Urshifu were introduced in the Isle of Armor expansion back in June. Like Cosmog and Meltan before it, Kubfu is a Legendary Pokémon that can evolve into a better Legendary. In this case, Kubfu can evolve into Urshifu, which has two forms: Single Strike (left) and Rapid Strike (right). Single Strike Urshifu is Dark/Fighting like Scrafty and Pangoro, while Rapid Strike Urshifu is Water/Fighting like Poliwrath and Keldeo. Urshifu's form depends on which tower (Tower of Darkness or Tower of Waters) you train Kubfu in. As to where these Pokémon would live, I distributed Kubfu and Urshifu to Chinese mountains, far away from human civilization.
Zarude is Grass/Dark, like Shiftry and Cacturne, and is also the co-star of the next Pokémon movie, Koko (not to be confused with Pixar's Coco). Zarude can grow vines on its neck and arms and can slap opponents with them, like Bulbasaur and Tangela. I distributed this Legendary Pokémon to the Congo Jungle, where it shares the same habitat as Rillaboom, Primeape, Donphan, and Liepard.
Calyrex is a Legendary introduced in The Crown Tundra expansion, and is Grass/Psychic like Exeggutor and Celebi. This rabbit-like Pokémon can see into the past, present, and future like a fortune teller. Unfortunately, I banned this Pokémon because while it's smaller than most Legendaries, it still packs a wallop.

Calyrex can also mount itself onto two new Legendary horses: The Ice-Type Glastrier, and the Ghost-Type Spectrier. Glastier, which reminds me a bit of the Nokk from Frozen 2, this Pokémon can freeze opponents with its hooves. I distributed Glastrier to Greenland, where it lives alongside Abomasnow.

Next up is Spectrier, the first-ever Ghost-Type mammal. Spectrier has poor eyesight, but can

There are also two new Legendary Golems to accompany Regirock, Regice, and Registeel. First up is Regidrago, the 12th Legendary Dragon. I unfortunately banned this Pokémon as well because of its supernatural strength and odd appearance.

Regieleki? Why not Regivolt or Regishock? Anyway, Regieleki is a powerful Electric-Type Pokémon that knows Thunder Cage, an attack so powerful that it lasts four to five turns! Because of this, Idecided to ban Regieleki, as well.

Regieleki? Why not Regivolt or Regishock? Anyway, Regieleki is a powerful Electric-Type Pokémon that knows Thunder Cage, an attack so powerful that it lasts four to five turns! Because of this, I

Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres return for Sword and Shield, but can only be caught in the Crown Tundra, and they also have different regional forms. Shown here is Galarian Articuno, which is Psychic/Flying, like Lugia and Xatu. I distributed this Pokémon to the North Pole, where it lives alongside Beartic, Frosmoth, Delibird, and Avalugg. Galarian Articuno has a grudge against humanity for ruining the environment, and will freeze anyone that it sees.

As one would judge by its strong legs, Galarian Zapdos is Fighting/Flying, like Hawlucha. This Pokémon lives in Australia, where it hunts small Normal, Bug, and Water-Type Pokémon.

And finally, here's Galarian Motlres, which is Dark/Flying like Honchkrow and Yveltal. Be careful of the flames from this relative of Moltres, or it might consume your soul. I distributed this Pokémon to volcanic areas in Indonesia, since there are many volcanoes in that country.
Once again, if all of this is too tedious for you, here's a simpler list of where the new Pokémon would live.
Galarian Slowpoke line- India.Kubfu and Urshifu- Chinese mountains.
Zarude- Congo Jungle.
Calyrex- Banned.
Glastrier- Greenland.
Spectrier- Mongolia.
Regidrago- Banned.
Regieleki- Banned.
Galarian Articuno- Arctic.
Galarian Zapdos- Australia.
Galarian Moltres- Indonesia.
Well, that concludes Pokémon Around the World: Isle of Armor and Crown Tundra Edition! On December 8th, as I promised earlier this year, I will review the Oscar-nominated Netflix film Klaus.
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