Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Finding Bailey Chapter 8

Not too soon later, Hank and Dory followed Kannaq to the beach, where a mighty falcon was waiting.

“So this is what Nebraska feels like.” Said Dory.

“You mean Alaska.” Said Kannaq. “Your beluga told us about you two, and how you traveled all the way from Australia to return him to Alaska. That was very brave of you, but also very dangerous. My friend Qimmiq the seal told Nuka the falcon about you while you were sleeping, and he will carry you as far as California, and you’ll have to travel the rest yourself. Is that okay?”

“Oh, sure!” Said Hank. “But does this bird eat fish and octopi?”

“Not really.” Answered Kannaq. “He usually eats mice and smaller birds.” Soon enough, the trio saw Bailey, Qimmiq, and Nuka at the beach.

“Bye, Barely. I mean, Bailey.” Said Dory. “I’ll never forget you!”

“And in case you do,” Bailey joked. “Hank can help you remember!”

“Okay!” Said Dory. “Where’s Luca? I’m ready to go home!”

“It’s Nuka.” Said the falcon. “And I prefer to be called Nukilik. It means strong in Inuit. Get in the bucket, octopus.”

“Alright.” Said Hank, placing himself in the bucket. “But I’ve never flown before.” Nukilik carried the bucket with Dory and Hank inside and flew off to Alaska.


Three days have passed, and while the Tank gang, who have finally returned to the wild, were having a blast in the reef, Marlin was starting to get worried.

“It’s been nearly a week!” He said. “What could’ve happened to Dory? What if she ended up at a restaurant?!”

“Dad, calm down.” Said Nemo. “This is Dory we’re talking about. From what I heard, she’s capable of doing anything. Outwitting sharks, battling jellyfish, speaking to whales, and even driving a truck, whatever that is.”

“I know that.” Said Marlin. “But losing Dory would be like….losing your mother.” Nemo just floated there silently and looked at the Tank Gang interacting with other fish. Tad, Sheldon, and Pearl were playing volleyball with Bloat, much to his dismay, Bubbles was amazed at bubbles coming out of a sponge, Jaques was cleaning the teeth of a potato cod, Gil was talking to Destiny, who finally stopped eating other fish, and Deb was trying to find Flo.

“She’ll come back, Marlin.” Charlie assured Marlin. As if on cue, Dory and Hank arrived from the dropoff.

“Did anyone miss us?” Hank asked.

“DORY!” Everyone shouted, and they all crowded the regal tang.

“So, you’re the friend of Shark-Bait.” Said Gil.

“Shark-Bait?” Dory asked.

“Oh, that was my nickname from when I was in Sydney.” Explained Nemo.

“I’m so happy that everyone is safe and sound.” Said Marlin. “Please don’t leave the reef ever again.”

“I won’t.” Said Dory. “Because if there’s one thing that I will always remember, it’s my friends and family. You, Harpo, my parents, Frank, Density, and Mr. Ray.” She then pointed at Mr. Ray’s students. Not to mention you, you, you, you, and you.”

“Don’t forget Flo!” Said Deb. As if on cue, a mirror sank to the bottom of the ocean. “Oh, there you are, Flo!” Everyone laughed as Deb reunited with ‘Flo’.


Author’s Notes: The ending of this story with a falcon carrying Dory and Hank back to Australia in a bucket is inspired by the children’s book ‘Little Polar Bear’ by Hans de Beer. In this story, a polar bear cub named Lars washes up on a tropical island and meets a hippo named Henry. At first, Lars is amazed at his new surroundings, but soon misses his home in the North Pole. The next day, Henry tells his friend Marcus the eagle about Lars, and Marcus arranges a trip back home for Lars on the back of an orca named Samson. Samson brings Lars home back to his loving father, but Lars will never forget his adventure in the jungle.

Before I finish the story, I'd like to show a picture of a potato cod.

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