Friday, July 12, 2024

New Pokemon Story Announcement

Hi, everyone! As some of you Social Media users already know, I have a new Pokemon project in the works! It's a China-themed Pokemon Region called Pinghei, and just like Chuso, it won't have as many new Pokemon as other Fakemon Regions, but there will be a story centered around it called 'Louise vs the Equalites'. It will be about a big-boned 16-year-old Johtonian girl named Louise, as she is trained by Professor Ping Gingko from Pinghei to defeat the Equalites, an evil organization that wants to force everyone in Pinghei to use Poison, Electric, and Dark-Type Pokemon just like them. Their leader is Gong Shen, who is not afraid to get dirty when it comes to overthrowing Ping.

Just like before, Emmy Pflugh will design the new characters, human and Pokemon alike. While my previous Pokemon stories featuring Joe focused on battling, Louise vs the Equalites will focus more on character development.

Chapter 1 of Louise vs. the Equalites will be published on August 10th.

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