Saturday, September 15, 2018

Poketropolis Chapter 9

When the two made it to the DMV, Dawn was surprised as to what Pokémon it was run by.
"They're all Slowbros?!" She shouted.
"What?" Asked Zach. "Just because he's a Slowbro doesn't mean he can be fast? I thought in Poketropolis, anyone can be anything." The two then made it to Speed's counter.
"Nice to see you, Speed!" Said Zach.
"Nice. To. See you. Too." Said Speed slowly.
"Hey, Speed." Said Zach. "I'd love you to meet my friend. Darling, I forgot your name."
"Officer Dawn Lopps, PPD." Said Dawn. "How are you doing?"
"I. Am doing." Said Speed
"Fine?" Asked Dawn.
"As well. I. Can be." Speed continued. "What. Can I. Do. For you?"
"Well," Said Dawn. "I was hoping you could run..."
"Today?" Speed concluded.
"Well," Said Dawn. "I was hoping you could run a plate for us. We are in a really big hurry."
"Sure." Answered Speed. "What. Is. The. Plate. Number?"
"29TDH03." Said Dawn, and Speed slowly typed the numbers in.
After what seemed like an eternity, Speed finally printed the number.
"Here. You. Go." He said. Dawn grabbed it from Speed and started reading it.
"It's registered to Snowpoint Falls Limo Service." She said. "That Girafarig's tail was right! A limo took Seaweasel, and the limo's in Snowpoint Falls! Hurry, we got to beat the rush hour." Once they exited the DMV, it was already night.
"It's night!?" Said Dawn.
Dawn and Zach soon made it to Snowpoint Falls, but the gates to the limo service were locked.
"Closed." Said Dawn. "Great."
"And I will bet you don't have a warrant to get in. Hmm? Darn it. It's a bummer." Dawn then looked at Zach.
"You wasted the day on purpose." She said.
"Madam." Said Zach. "I have a fake badge. I would never impede your pretend investigation."
"It's not a pretend investigation." Said Dawn, taking out a picture of Red Seaweasel. "Look, see? See him? This Floatzel is missing."
"Then they should've gotten a real cop to find him." Said Zach.
"What is your problem?" Asked Dawn. "Does seeing me fail somehow make you feel better about you own sad, miserable life?"
"Yes, it does." Said Zach. "100%. Now, since you're sans warrant, I guess we're....done?" Dawn then let out a sigh and took out her pen.
"Fine." She said. "We are done. Here's your pen." She then threw it over the fence.
"First off," Said Zach. "You throw like a bunny. Second, you're a very sore loser. Smell you later! I wish I could've helped more!" He started climbing the metal fence, but when he reached the other side, Dawn was there with the pen in her paw.
"The thing is," She said. "You don't need a warrant if you have a probable cause, and I'm pretty sure I saw a shifty lowlife climbing the fence. So you're helping plenty. Come on." The two of them then found the limo with the right license plate number, and they went inside. Dawn examined the ground and saw a single hair.
"Beartic fur." She said. Zach then opened up a compartment and was surprised with what he saw.
"Oh my Arceus!" He said.
"What is it?" Asked Dawn. Zach grabbed something out of the compartment to reveal a CD with a Jigglypuff on it.
"The Best of Jiggy Buffet!" He said. "But on CD. Who still uses CDs?" Zach then noticed the window to where the passenger would breathe, and he opened it. There were water stains and claw marks everywhere.
"Carrots," He said. "If your Floatzel was here, I think he had a very bad day." Dawn took out her Pokétch and turned on the Flash app so she could see it better.
"Those are claw marks." She said. "You ever seen anything like this?"
"No." Replied Zach. Dawn then noticed something on the floor. She crawled through and found Red's wallet with his ID.
"This is him." She said. "Red Seaweasel. He was definitely here. What do you think happened?" Zach then noticed something on the ground. He picked up a glass with a 'V' on it.
"Oh no." He said. "Wait a minute. Beartic fur, Fairy-Type music, fancy cup? I know whose car this is. We got to go."
"Why?" Asked Dawn. "Whose car is it?"
"The most feared crime-boss in Snowpoint Falls." He replied. "They call him Mr. V, and he does not like me. So we gotta go!"
"I'm not leaving." Said Dawn. "This is a crime scene." Zach then grabbed Dawn.
"It's gonna be an even bigger crime scene if Mr. V find me here," He said, opening the door. "So we're leaving right now." Behind Zach were two large Beartics.
"Phil! Bill!" Zach said nervously. "Long time, no see. And speaking of 'no see', how about you forget you saw me, huh? For old times' sake?" Phil and Bill grabbed Zach and Dawn and drove them to Mr. V.
Author's Notes: Jiggy Buffet is a play on singer Jimmy Buffet.
In the Pokémon games, there's a move called Flash, which can be used to light up dark areas in caves.
Flash FRLG OW.png

1 comment:

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