Friday, July 14, 2017

Oscarless Cartoons Part 2

Oscarless Cartoons Part 2: The Great Piggy Bank Robbery (1946)
The Great Piggy Bank Robbery Lobby Card.PNG
Another famous cartoon duck got his start in the 1930s, and his name is Daffy Duck, from the Warner Bros 'Termite Terrace'. Much like Disney's Donald Duck, Daffy Duck looked much more duck-like back then compared to what he looks like today. In fact, he was also smaller than his modern-day counterpart.
Image result for Daffy Duck's debut
Daffy Duck, along with Bugs Bunny, gained popularity in the 1940s, in which they were used for WWII propaganda short films. After the war ended, both Bugs and Daffy went their own ways and starred in a number of memorable shorts. Today, I shall talk about The Great Piggy Bank Robbery, starring Daffy Duck.
In this cartoon, Daffy Duck is waiting anxiously for the next issue of Dick Tracy, his comic book hero. When he opens the box, Daffy enjoys reading the book and wishes he could have adventures like Dick Tracy. After he accidentally knocks himself out, Daffy dreams that he's a detective named Duck Twacy.
Image result for The Great Piggy Bank Robbery starring Daffy Duck
Twacy discovers that everyone's piggy banks in town have been stolen, and he goes on a chase to discover who the thief is. Twacy then encounters a slew of wacky villains like Pumpkin Head, Bat Man (who is a baseball bat), Pickle-Puss, Doubleheader, Snake Eyes, and Neon Noodle.
After defeating the villains in wacky ways, Twacy discovers the missing piggy banks and starts kissing his own. However, Daffy wakes up and discovers that he actually kissed a real pig instead, and the pig falls in love with Daffy.
What makes this cartoon memorable is that practically 95% of the short takes place in Daffy's dream. None of this is actually happening, but we still get engrossed into the story. Many Looney Tunes fans declare this as one of Daffy's best cartoons ever, and I happen to agree with them. It's a a shame they never incorporated this into the sub-par TV series The Looney Tunes Show. Instead, Daffy would be interested in a show called 'Off-Duty Cop'.
That's all I have to say about this week's Oscarless Cartoon. Tune in next week when I talk about another great Daffy Duck cartoon, Duck Amuck!

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