When Rich and Fozzie made it outside, Rich tried to hijack the Moopets' car, but it was too small, and there was no key.
"Let me out, you cheap knockoffs!" Shouted a voice from inside the trunk, and Fozzie soon recognized that voice.
"Pops?" He asked, "Is that you?"
"Who else, Brewster?" He asked. Rich opened the trunk, and out came Pops, a yellow elderly Muppet.
"That's much better." He said. "I can't believe they arrested me for driving on the sidewalk!"
"Sorry if I'm ruining the reunion," Said Rich. "But how are we gonna get away if the car's too small?"
"I know someone who can help." He said, giving a whistle. "Hey, Sweetums! Could you bring it over?" Sweetums then arrived on the scene pushing a tan 1951 Bullet Nose Commander Studebaker.
"I'll drive." Claimed Rich.
"But I wanna drive." Said Fozzie.
"No, I'll drive." Said Pops, pushing Rich into the passenger's seat. "I'm older than the both of you combined!" Fozzie soon got in the car, and the three of them drove off. However, this didn't go unnoticed by the Moopets.
"They sprung the Studebaker!" Said Miss Poogy. "Let's go, losers!" They got in their gold car and started chasing Rich, Fozzie, and Pops.
"Guys, we have company!" Said Fozzie, pointing at the Moopets. Pops was mindlessly driving in between two cars, leaving the car scraped on one side.
"Now, that's what I call a road rash." Said Pops. Suddenly, Fozzie felt something go through his hat. It was a bullet, and Poogy was trying to shoot him!
"I'm gonna kill him and turn him into a bearskin rug!" She said, but Foozie was revolted. "No hard feelings, Foozie." When Pops was driving, he was about to hit a bus.
"Pops, watch out for that bus!" Fozzie pleaded, and Pops took a hard turn and started driving left. Little did they know that the cops started following them on motorcycles!
"Pops, there's cops right behind us!" Shouted Fozzie.
"Not for long, Fozzie!" Said Pops, driving backwards into an alley. "Now they're right in front of us!" When they turned around, the Moopets were driving into Rich, Fozzie, and Pops. The three of them were now within a rock and a hard place, either get arrested by the police or get captured by the Moopets.
"Press the button!" Pleaded Fozzie, and Pops pressed the windshield wiper button. "No, the other button!" Pops pressed another button, and it turned the radio on. "No, the other other button!" Pops pressed yet another button, and it turned the AC on. "Let me press it!" Frustrated, Fozzie leaned over to the driver's seat and pressed the 'Travel By Map' button. This made the three of them vanish from the car wreck and immediately arrive at Broadway, which was playing a musical adaptation of Planet of the Apes.
"The Moopets will never find us in here!" Said Fozzie. "Thanks for the lift, Pops!"
"If you ever need a ride," Said Pops. "Just give a whistle!" Rich and Fozzie then went inside the theater and saw the Planet of the Apes musical.
In the theater, everyone was laughing and applauding at how ridiculous the musical was. Fozzie, especially.
"This is great, Richie!" He said. "This is one of the best non-Muppet parodies I've ever seen!" Rich then grabbed Fozzie and started scolding him.
"We're supposed to be hiding!" He said. "What's wrong with you?"
"What's wrong with you?" Asked Fozzie. "You're the only person in this theater who isn't laughing! I have a joke that made even Statler and Waldorf crack up, so it should work on you! Two bananas are walking down the street, and one banana says..." Fozzie looked at Rich, and he wasn't even smiling. "Tough crowd. What could've possibly happened to you to turn you into such a sourpuss?"
"Want to know why?" Asked Rich, and the bear nodded. "A puppet killed my brother."
"A puppet?" Fozzie asked. "No."
"That's right." Said Rich, as he started explaining his backstory. "A puppet. Years ago, Paul and I liked working in Puppetown. Thought it was a lot of laughs. We were investigating a robbery at the Puppetown Bank, who were reported to have lost 14 million dollars. We trailed the robber to a corner, but he got the drop on us. Literally. He dropped a piano on us from fifteen stories. I broke my arm, but Paul never made it. I never did find out who that guy was. All I remember was him standing over me laughing with his robotic movements, photorealistic eyes, and Muppet-like voice." When Rich finished the story, Fozzie started crying.
"No wonder you hate me!" Fozzie bawled. "If a puppet killed my brother, I'd hate me, too!"
"Come on, don't cry." Said Rich. "I don't hate you."
"Yes, you do." Fozzie sobbed. "And all those times you dragged me around!"
"No, I don't hate you." Said Rich. "And I'm sorry for dragging you around."
"All the times you dragged me around?" Asked Fozzie.
"All the times I dragged you around." Answered Rich.
"Apology accepted." Said Fozzie. Suddenly, the play was done, and the announcer had something to say.
"As we prepare for our next play," Said the announcer. "Here are trailers for movies coming out soon!" A movie projector then started playing trailers for upcoming movies. As Fozzie was watching the trailers, Jenny walked into the theater to speak to Rich.
"What are you doing here?" He asked.
"I wanted to tell you that I got fired." She said.
"Sorry to hear that." Said Rich. "Who's gonna watch over the diner? Those rats can't do it by themselves."
"They're gonna be supervised by a bear, but not Fozzie." Said Jenny. "A tall, orange one that acts like Fred Rogers. Besides, I want to be a fashion designer, just like in The Muppets Take Manhattan."
"Jenny?" Asked Rich. "You better find yourself a good man."
"But I already had a good man." She said, and they kissed passionately.
"Awww." Said Fozzie. "I've never seen anything so romantic in years. Don't tell Piggy that." The three of them were about to exit the theater, but then, Rich heard crucial news.
"This is a Muppets News Flash!" Said the Newsman on the screen. "Mad Man Money Industries, Triple M for short, is making a deal with Muppets CEO Kirk Thatcher! He wants to sell Puppetown to Triple M for 200 million dollars, making it one of the biggest real estate deals in New England history!
"That's it!' Exclaimed Rich. "That's the connection!"
Author's Notes: Pops was a character introduced in Season 5 of The Muppet Show. He was the show's stage doorman, and whenever the guest star arrived, he'd ask "Who are you?", regardless of their popularity status.

In The Muppet Movie, until they ran into Gonzo's plumbing truck, Fozzie and Kermit drove around in Fozzie's uncle's Studebaker.

In The Muppets 2011, after Gary (Jason Segall), Mary (Amy Adams), Walter, and Kermit rounded up all the Muppets, they noticed someone missing: Miss Piggy. Kermit's robot butler pointed out that she was in France, and Fozzie suggested that they should travel by map.
The Fred Rogers-like bear Jenny mentions in this chapter is a reference to the beloved preschool series Bear in the Big Blue House. It was about an orange full-bodied bear named Bear, who was the caretaker of a blue mouse named Tutter, an orange bear cub named Ojo, a green lemur named Treelo, and two purple otter brothers named Pip and Pop.

'Bear' would teach valuable lessons for young children, such as the weather, the five senses, the environment, and even potty training. The show proved to be very popular, spawning over 100 episodes, lots of merchandise, live shows, a spinoff series called 'Breakfast with Bear', and even live appearances on talk shows. 'Bear' also won three Emmy awards, and critics even called it the 'Anti-Barney'. While Barney the Dinosaur was loud and childlike, Bear was kind, calm, and fatherly.
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