Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Olaf Presents The Jungle Book

Author's Note: I'm aware that The Jungle Book book wouldn't be published until 1894, but I was running low on source material. Hercules has too many characters, The Sword and the Stone and Robin Hood are more filler than feature, The Hunchback of Notre Dame and The Black Cauldron are way too dark for Olaf to retell, Sleeping Beauty is too similar to Snow White, Pocahontas would be too controversial, and other films like 101 Dalmatians, Lilo & Stitch, Big Hero 6, and Zootopia have more modern settings. I also picked The Jungle Book because I felt it would serve as a counterpart to Olaf Presents The Lion King. Also, since The Jungle Book takes place so far away from civilization, it could be set any time during the 19th Century. Besides, I don't remember anyone complaining about how King Agnarr (Anna and Elsa's dad) in Frozen 2 is seen reading a copy of The Little Mermaid as a kid, despite the fact that Hans Christian Anderson probably wasn't even born yet!

Without further ado, here's the script!

Olaf: Presenting The Jungle Book.

Mowgli! Olaf: I don't want to go to the man village. I want to stay in the jungle!

(Cut to Bagheera! Olaf)

Bagheera!: Olaf: You will go to the man village where it's safe!

(Cut to Baloo! Olaf)

Baloo! Olaf: Don't listen to him. You can stay in the jungle, even though there are lots of dangers. Look for the Bare Necessities...

(Cut to King Louie! Olaf)

King Louie! Olaf: Oo-bee-doo! I wanna be like you!

(Cut to Baloo! Olaf talking to a Snowgie)

Baloo! Olaf: I've been trying to tell you all morning. You have to go to the man village!

(Cut to Mowgli! Olaf with a shocked expression)

Mowgli! Olaf: You're just like Bagheera! I'm gonna stay in the jungle forever!

(Cut to Kaa! Olaf caressing a Snowgie)

Kaa! Olaf: Trusssst in me. Jussst in me.

(Cut to Mowgli! Olaf with an eel on the ground)

Mowgli! Olaf: You were trying to eat me! Why do I keep trusting animals that try to kill me?

(Cut to Mowgli! Olaf singing with some Snowgies, playing the Vultures)

Mowgli! Olaf: We're your friends! Friends to the bitter end! (Sven, playing Shere Kahn, walks onscreen and growls at Mowgli! Olaf) Hello.

(Cut to Baloo! Olaf about to save Mowgli)

Baloo! Olaf: I'll save you, Mowgli! (runs towards Sven and grabs his tail, but he shakes Baloo! Olaf off)

(Cut to Mowgli! Olaf with Bruni next to him)

Mowgli! Olaf: No! Baloo! (Bruni breathes fire on the ground) Fire, Shere Kahn's only weakness! (lights his left arm on fire and throws it at Sven, who scampers off)

(Cut to Mowgli! Olaf with a teddy bear and a kitten by his side)

Mowgli! Olaf: Boy, the jungle is a dangerous place. I better go to the man village. But what will persuade me to go?

(Cut to Shanti! Olaf holding a China bowl)

Shanti! Olaf: I'll be cooking inside the house, even though it sounds so wrong!

(Cut to Mowgli! Olaf)

Mowgli! Olaf: Well, that sure convinced me! Bye, forever! (Runs offscreen)

(Cut to Bagheera! Olaf next to a teddy bear)

Bagheera! Olaf: You see, Mowgli belongs in the man village.

(Cut to Baloo! Olaf next to a kitten)

Baloo! Olaf: I guess you're right, but he still would've made one swell bear! (grabs the kitten with a confused look on her face) Look for the Bare Necessities, the simple Bare Necessities!


For the final time, here's concept art from Emmy Pflegh!

Olaf's interpretation of Mowgli looks a bit like Moana.

I told Emmy on purpose to take inspiration from Olaf Presents Aladdin.
Autumn leaves for the vultures' wings is another nice touch.

Well, that concludes my Olaf Presents scripts! If you're reading this, Disney, please take these into consideration!

Also, I want to tell everyone that I won't post a new movie review in September, but I will do a double feature review of the Goosebumps films in October. I'll also be starting a new poll on August 5th on Facebook.

Once again, here's a link to Emmy's website!

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