Wednesday, February 21, 2024

The Animal Show- Red Panda and Chinchilla Part 1

Stinky and Jake: Here on the Animal Show.

Here on the Animal Show.

Here on the Animal Show!

Bunnie Bear: From under the ocean, over the clouds, and around the world…

Armstrong the Chickenhawk: Here comes the wild side of wild life.

Bunnie: The Animal Show!

Armstrong: And now, let’s have a wild welcome for your furry friends-

Bunnie: Stinky and Jake!

Stinky and Jake: Now it’s The Animal Show!

Jake: Hello, all you animals out there!

Stinky: I’m Stinky.

Jake: And I’m Jake. And today, we are going to meet the red panda and the chinchilla, both of which are endangered animals.

Stinky: Can you remind me what endangered means again?

Jake: It’s when an animal is in danger of going extinct, like the dinosaurs, the mammoths, and the dodos. And when an animal is extinct, there’s no way to bring it back.

Stinky: That’s awful, Jake! Someone needs to put a stop to this! How about calling, say, Batman?

Jake: Batman's a human, and he's not real.

Stinky: How about Spider-Pig?

Jake: It’s Spider-Ham, and he’s not real, either.

Stinky: Superman’s dog, Krypto?

Jake: Not real.

Armstrong: While Jake and Stinky are arguing, here’s another edition of…

Bunnie: That’s amazing! Today, we look at a purple chinchilla!

Armstrong: A purple mammal? That’s outrageous!

Bunnie: Not anymore! Humans have been breeding chinchillas for many years, and as a result, some chinchillas can come in not just gray, but also purple, beige, white, blue, and black.

Armstrong: Now, that’s something that will make you say…

Jake: That’s amazing! And the Ninja Turtles aren’t real, either. There’s even no such thing as toxic ooze that gives you superpowers.

Stinky: Well, there has to be someone to save those poor animals, and that someone is me. (runs offscreen to change into a superhero outfit) Introducing Super Skunk, dedicated to helping oppressed animals everywhere!

Jake: And now, all the way from China, Myanmar, Nepal, and India…

Stinky: India.

Jake: Please welcome Li Shao the Red Panda!

Li Shao: Hi, Jake. Why is Stinky dressed up as a human?

Stinky: Who is Stinky? I am Super Skunk, dedicated to helping endangered species!

Li Shao: I’m glad you want to save my kind, Stinky. Red pandas are endangered.

Jake: How come?

Li Shao: Habitat loss and poaching. Many humans kill us so they can turn us into clothes.

Stinky: This sounds like a job for Super Skunk! I’m gonna go to China and rescue any red pandas I can find! (runs over to the Habitat Door so he can go to China)

Jake: So tell me, Li Shao. Why are red pandas called pandas if you look nothing like my cousin Ping?

Li Shao: It comes from the Nepali word ponya, which means ‘bamboo eater’ or ‘bamboo footed’. For years, humans thought we’re related to giant pandas since we lived in China and ate bamboo. In actuality, however, we’re closer related to raccoons, weasels, and skunks.

Jake: Skunks? Do you suppose you could take Stinky’s place until he comes back?

Li Shao: Sure. Besides, I have more to tell you about red pandas. While giant pandas eat nothing but bamboo, we also eat fruit and blossoms.

Jake: Since you’re endangered, are you also a protected species?

Li Shao: We are, Jake. We’re also popular among humans, appearing in TV shows, comic books, video games, and even movies. We're also big hits at zoos.

Jake: Well, that’s enough time we have for our guest, since now it’s time for Baby Talk!

Li Shao: Oh, my cubs love this segment!

Panda cub 1: Hi, I’m Teddy.

Panda cub 2: And I’m Scarlet, but where are we?

Teddy: I don’t know, but it doesn’t look like China.

Scarlet: I don’t know about you, but I’m gonna go exploring.

There are a lot of exotic animals here. Some of these I know come from China! That’s an alligator, a snake, what I think is a parrot, and a mighty tiger.

Hmm, I wonder how they got here. Hey, Teddy! Let’s ask this panda.

Teddy: Hey mister! Do you know where we are?

Elder panda: You’re at the Australia Zoo. You two are safer here than you are in the wild.

Scarlet: You mean we’re better off here than in China?

Elder panda: You bet your fluffy orange tails.

Teddy: Orange? I always thought we were red.

Scarlet: And that’s why we’re called red pandas!

(cut back to Jake and Li Shao, who are waiting for Stinky)

Jake: I wonder where Stinky, er, Super Skunk is. (Stinky runs back to Jake and Li Shao)

Stinky: I’m back! I saved a family of red pandas from humans!

Li Shao: How so?

Stinky: I sprayed humans with skunk smell! They wanted to capture the pandas to turn them into clothes.

Li Shao: I better go back home to make sure you didn’t cause chaos. (leaves the Animal Show studio to return to China)

Jake: I wonder where Tizzy is?

Tizzy: Here I am, and here’s the quiz! (cuts to the screen below)

Which of these animals is no longer endangered? The tiger, the gorilla, the rhino, or the panda bear? Give it a think. Back in a buzz!

(Tizzy flies back to Stinky and Jake, who are having a hard time finding the answer)

Jake: I believe they’re all endangered. What do you think, Super Skunk?

Stinky: I once again have no idea.

Tizzy: Maybe you should hear the question again. (flies back to the previous screen) Which of these animals is no longer endangered? The answer is the panda bear.

In 2016, panda bears were removed from the Endangered Species list. There are about 1,800 pandas in the wild, and all of them live in China. However, these bears aren’t completely saved yet: Panda bears are now classified as Vulnerable, which means they’re still in danger of extinction, but not as bad as they were before. Other Vulnerable animals include giraffes, polar bears, koalas, and macaws. Bee-lieve it, because it’s true!

To be continued in Part 2...

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