Wednesday, February 14, 2024

The Animal Show- Snow Monkey and Puffin Part 1

Stinky and Jake: Here on the Animal Show.

Here on the Animal Show.

Here on the Animal Show!

Bunnie Bear: From under the ocean, over the clouds, and around the world…

Armstrong the Chickenhawk: Here comes the wild side of wild life.

Bunnie: The Animal Show!

Armstrong: And now, let’s have a wild welcome for your furry friends-

Bunnie: Stinky and Jake!

Stinky and Jake: Now it’s The Animal Show!

Jake: Hello, all you animals out there!

Stinky: I’m Stinky.

Jake: And I’m Jake. And today, we are going to meet the snow monkey and the puffin. Both of these animals are right up my alley, as they both live in cold habitats.

Stinky: That’s awesome, but why is it so cold?

Jake: Oh, about that. Bunnie set the thermostat to 30 Degrees to suit our guests.

Stinky: Why do I have a feeling I’ll regret this?

Armstrong: And now, it’s time for…

Bunnie: That’s amazing! Today, we look at a rainforest in the last place on Earth you’d expect: Alaska!

Armstrong: Alaska? Are you sure that you meant Australia?

Bunnie: Nope. Alaska!

Alaska, in fact, has 5 million acres of pristine old-growth rainforest. Animals here include deer, salmon, bears, martens, and salamanders.

Armstrong: Now, that’s a fact that will make you say…

Stinky and Jake: That’s amazing!

Jake: First up, all the way from Japan…

Stinky: Japan.

Jake: Please welcome Nitiru the Snow Monkey!

Nitiru: Konichiwa, Pinky and Jake.

Stinky: It’s Stinky.

Nitiru: Whatever. Anyway, I want to show you snow monkeys, all the way from the Land of the Rising Sun.

Jake: I thought monkeys can’t swim.

Nitiru: Most monkeys don’t, but we snow monkeys can!

Stinky: And what are you swimming in?

Nitiru: We monkeys have our own hot springs, and that’s how we cool down. We may also huddle together.

Stinky: I know what that is- Grooming!

Nitiru: Correct, my skunk friend! Monkeys in general groom their own kids to get tasty bugs. We also eat bamboo and fish.

Jake: A monkey eating fish? Now I’ve seen everything!

Nitiru: I know, it’s unusual. However, many humans in Japan consider us good luck.

Stinky: I wish I was considered good luck.

Nitiru: Sorry, but I have to go now. It’s starting to get too cold here. (walks off)

Jake: And now, it’s time for…

Stinky and Jake: Baby talk!

Baby snow monkey 1: Why do I have to ride on your back?

Daddy snow monkey: Because you’re not old enough to swim. Besides, you might drown.

Baby snow monkey 2: You know, this isn’t so bad. However, it tastes like monkey fur.

Baby snow monkey 3: Hey, Sugi! What do you call a sika deer with no eyes?

Sugi: Not right now, Taka. I’m having a drink.

Taka (snow monkey 3): No eye-deer! Ha ha ha ha ha!

Sugi: Now you made me lose my concentration! Come back here, you cheeky monkey!

(cut back to Stinky and Jake, with Stinky wearing earmuffs, a scarf, and a coat)

Jake: Stinky, where did you get those earmuffs, scarf, and coat?

Stinky: Remember when Armstrong and Ollie used to have Habitat Time in what looked like a closet? That’s where I found it.

Tizzy: Hi, everyone! Why is it so cold?

Stinky (shivering): Jake and Bunnie set the thermostat to 30 degrees.

Tizzy: If it stays this cold, I’ll have to stay in my hive for the next quiz.

Jake: And what about the first quiz?

Tizzy: Well, here it is! (cuts to the screen below)

Which of these monkeys can swim? The proboscis monkey, the spider monkey, the Diana monkey, or the vervet monkey? Give it a think. Back in a buzz!

(Tizzy flies back to Stinky and Jake, who are having a hard time finding the answer)

Jake: Well, I don’t think any of them can swim.

Stinky: I can’t think with my tail freezing over.

Tizzy: Well, here’s the answer. The proboscis monkey from Borneo is one of the best monkey swimmers out there. Bee-lieve it!

Proboscis monkeys use their swimming skills to outpace crocodiles, which eat these monkeys. They usually live in trees, but will come down occasionally in search for food. Proboscis monkeys also sleep near rivers and ponds. Bee-lieve it, because it’s true!

To be continued in Part 2...

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