Saturday, June 4, 2016

The Shinx Who Would Be King Chapter 2

That same day, while it was raining, Yujin was in his tree drawing a simple picture of a Shinx.
"Kimba." He said.
The next morning, Kimba ran into the cave to wake up his parents, Raion and Messua.
"Your son's awake." Messua said.
"Before sunrise, he's your son." Raion replied. Kimba was biting his dad's tail and ear.
"Okay, I'm up." Raion said, letting out a big yawn. He walked out of the cave with Kimba and walked to the top of the rock they lived on.
"Everything the light touches is our home, Kimba." Said Raion. "A king's time as ruler rises and sets like the sun. One day, my sun will set on my time here, and will rise with you."
"Everything the light touches?" Kimba said. "What about that shadowy place?"
"That's beyond our borders." Raion answered. "You must never go there, Kimba."
"I thought a king gets to do whatever he wants." Said Kimba.
"Being a king is more than getting what you want all the time." Raion went on. "You see, everything we see exists together, and as King, you must respect all who live here, from the crawling Durant to the leaping Stantler."
"Don't we eat the Stantler, dad?"
"Kimba, let me explain. When we die, our bodies become grass, and the Stanter eat the grass, and thus, we are all connected in the big circle of life." Their moment was interrupted when Xazu flew in.
"Good morning, sire!" The Xatu said.
"Good morning, Xazu." Raion responded.
"Checking in with the morning report." Xazu said.
"Fire away." Said Raion.
"Well, the buzz from the Beedrill is that the Spinda are in a bit of a spot. The Mankey are going ape while the Girafarig are above it all..." While Xazu was rambling, Kimba noticed a Kricketot and tried to pounce on it.
"Kimba, what are you doing?" Raion asked.
"Pouncing." The Shinx said.
"Let an old pro show you how it's done." Said Raion. "Xazu, could you turn around?" The bird did so, but then he noticed that Raion was whispering to Kimba.
"Raion, what are you doing?" Xazu asked.
"Teaching Kimba a pouncing lesson." Raion responded.
"Oh, a pouncing lesson. How nice." Suddenly, Xazu realized that he was going to be used as a target! "Pouncing?! Oh no, sire, you can't be serious. This is so humiliating."
"Stay low to the ground." Raion whispered to Kimba.
"What are you telling him, Raion?" Xazu asked. Suddenly, he noticed that both Kimba and Raion have disappeared. It wasn't long until he was pounced by Kimba.
"That's very good." Raion chuckled. Then, Xazu noticed something else: a Drilbur popped out of the ground.
"Xazu, news from the underground." It said. The mole Pokémon told Xazu that Growlithe invaded the kingdom.
"Sire!" Xazu yelled. "Fire-types in the pride lands!"
"Stay here, Kimba." Raion said.
"Why don't I come with you?" Kimba asked.
"It's too dangerous." Answered Raion, before he went off to fight the Growlithe.
"I never get to go anywhere." Kimba complained.
"Don't worry, young master." Said Xazu. "One day, you'll chase those slobbering, mangy, stupid poachers from dawn until dusk."
Author's Note: I'm aware that Spinda is based on the Qinling panda, which lives in the Qin Mountains in China and not Africa, but there are only a handful of wildcat Pokemon.

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