Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Born to be Wild Chapter 13

Meanwhile, the boat heading to Matadi was now off the coast of Sapelo Island, Georgia. Kelsey wanted to make good use of her right arm before it had to undergo three vaccines, so she searched the boat for an 'opponent' to fight. After turning the entire boat upside-down (but not literally), she found a girl around Craig's age in the arcade section playing Broken Bonez.

"Hello there, young maiden." She greeted. "My name is Kelsey Pokoly. I am looking for an opponent to fight in battle." She then pulled out her foam sword.

"You call that a sword?" She asked. "I have a sword made from plastic! I will meet you in the gymnasium at 12:30. Make sure you bring your sword. You will need it." Kelsey started to narrate again.

"I, Kelsey Pokoly, had just volunteered to fight an opponent older and possibly stronger than her. It will be a clash between foam and plastic. Will Kelsey prevail, or will she lose this match and disgrace her family?"
It was now 12:30, and Kelsey confronted Nancy, the girl from the arcade, in the gymnasium. She had a plastic sword in her hand.

"We duel now." Said Nancy. "First one to get hit three times loses." Both girls charged and hit each other with their 'swords'.

"Both of us are hit!" Said Kelsey. Nancy was about to hit Kelsey, but she blocked it with her own sword. They kept clashing swords until Kelsey dropped her weapon. Before Nancy could strike, Kelsey barrel-rolled left, got up, and used her cape to taunt Nancy as if she were a bullfighter.

"You can't get me!" She teased. Nancy charged over, but Kelsey dodged her again and Nancy crashed into a basket of basketballs.

"Those don't count!" Said Nancy. "You have to hit me with a weapon!" As Nancy got up, Kelsey already retrieved her weapon. Angrily, Nancy charged at Kelsey, but once again, she dodged, making Nancy hit a wall. Kelsey then gently tapped her twice on the head.

"Three hits, I win!" Kelsey declared. Suddenly, someone started speaking through the PA.

"Kelsey Pokoly. Calling Kelsey Pokoly." Said the voice. "It's time for your vaccine." Kelsey went back upstairs to go see the doctor.
After five hours, Craig had arrived back in Herkleston. When he arrived at the front door of his house, he was afraid of what punishments awaited him. He rang the doorbell and waited for the worst.

"Come on in!" Said a familiar voice. It was Nicole. Craig opened the door and confronted his parents.

"Craig Williams." Duane said sternly. "I had heard of lots of crazy adventures you had at the Creek. Crossing a poison ivy grove, participating in water balloon fights, walking outside to a restaurant during the pouring rain, and even getting lost in the sewer, but freeing animals from the zoo? That's where I draw the line! However, Bernard told me that you shipped them to the right habitats around the world. Is that true?"

"Yes." Said Craig.

"I am impressed with what you did," Duane continued. "But I'm also a bit disappointed in you. What if you got caught on a security camera? What will they do when they find out their animals are missing?"

"We tricked them into thinking that the EPA wanted to free them back in the wild." Replied Craig.

"Sounds exactly like something Jimmy and Howard would do in the Superboxers books." Muttered Bernard.

"That's wise of you, Craig." Said Nicole. "But your actions won't go unpunished. You will be banned from using electronics for four days. Think you can handle that?"

"Yes, I can!" Replied Craig. "Can I still see Grandma Jojo to ask what I can do for the environment?"

"I don't see why not." Said Duane. "We'll visit her this weekend."
Meanwhile, back in Canada, Wildernessa, Cheesesticks, and Nova finally arrived at the Yukon Wildlife Reserve. When someone opened the truck that they were inside of, she was surprised.

"Are you the so-called Sasquatch that was supposed to arrive here?" The park ranger asked.

"No." Said Wildernessa. "My name is Vanessa Yuh Solomon, and this is my dog Cheesesticks. We come all the way from Herkleston, Maryland, and we freed this bear from the Maryland Zoo so he can roam free where he's supposed to be: The wilderness."

"Is that so, eh?" Said the park ranger. "I hate to break it to you, kid, but animals are better off in captivity. Captive predators don't do well in the wild."

"Well, this one can." Ensured Wildernessa. "Do you have any bear hoods I could wear?
After a couple minutes of changing, Wildernessa donned a bear pelt and lead Nova to a stream, with the park ranger secretly spying on them. Cheesesticks was back at the base because dogs aren't allowed in the preserve.

"This is where you catch fish." Wildernessa told Nova. "When you see a shadow, stick your face in the water as fast as you can, like this." Wildernessa stuck her face and bear hood in the water, and then pulled it out. "Now you try!" Nova waited for a fish to appear, and after a few minutes, he noticed a large shadow in the water.

"Now's your chance!" Said Wildernessa. "Stick your face in the water!" Nova stuck his face in the water and caught a large trout.

"Why, I'm impressed!" Said the ranger. "It's like you know how to train animals."

"Back in Herkleston, they called me Wildernessa." Said the girl. "But I still need to teach him how to get honey from beehives."

"I think you've been away from home long enough." Said the ranger. "Aren't your parents worried about you?"

"They're not worried." She said. "They don't even care about me. They don't understand how important animals are to me."

"Of course, they'd understand!" Said the ranger. "All parents care about is their children. If you told them about what animals are struggling through, then they might listen. My son Daniel wants to be a cartoon maker when he grows up, so I told him that when he turns 18, he can attend Sheridan College in Oakville, Ontario to achieve his dream."

"Well, you've never met my parents." Said Wildernessa, taking off the pelt. "All they care about is politics and business. They are successful stock marketers. At a very young age, I seemed to get along better with animals than people. I freed a possum from a raccoon trap. I helped an injured toad cross a street. I even hid a coyote from a dog catcher! About two years ago, after being told they couldn't afford a pet, I ran away to the animal shelter and freed a Tibetan Mastiff and named him Cheesesticks. Since my parents were too caught up in the stock market, I decided to run away. I've been alone in the woods near Herkleston for two years feeding off of crab apples and onions, while I sneak into garbage cans to find processed meats that dogs can digest for Cheesesticks to eat. I chose not to eat meat because I feel it's wrong to eat animals. I also convinced myself that tigers lived in the Creek and that I wasn't human, and I made a mask out of an old teddy bear. One day, I encountered a young warrior named Kelsey Pokoly with a pet falcon named Mortimer, but he's actually a parakeet. It was a rocky start, but after a about a month together, we became close friends, though I still had a grudge against humans. Long story short, after meeting a bookworm named Stacks, I found out that I was a human, ditched my mask, and freed more than 20 animals from the Maryland Zoo."

"That's a long story." Remarked the ranger. "Anyway, I'm sure that your parents would understand if you just explained to them. Well, it's getting late. I'm going to find you a place to eat and sleep, and then, I'll get you tickets to the next flight back to Maryland. Got it?"

"Deal." Said Wildernessa. "But what about Nova? He can't just eat fish! He needs to eat berries and honey, as well!"

"We'll let you know on our ViewTube channel." Said the ranger.

"Promise?" Asked Wildernessa.

"Promise." Said the woman, wrapping her pinky finger around Wildernessa's. "Now, let's get you inside and see if we can get you something to eat."
Author's Notes: Daniel in this chapter is named after and based on Ed, Edd n Eddy creator, Danny Antonucci!

Danny Antonucci Picture
The arcade game that Nancy is playing in this chapter, Broken Bonez, is an arcade game from Regular Show with the same name. It bears a resemblance to Nintendo's Excite Bike.
Vanessa Yuh Solomon is not Wildernessa's real name. It's a headcanon that probably won't be true. The backstory I made for Wildernessa is also made my me.
I know that Craig probably should've had a harsher punishment, but if any of you have actually seen Craig of the Creek, you'll notice that Craig's parents are much more loving and understanding than your average parents.

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