Thursday, May 9, 2019

Born to be Wild Chapter 8

While Craig, Kelsey, JP, and Mortimer were pushing the peacock cage to Mark, Wildernessa and Cheesesticks just made it to the brown bear exhibit at the Polar Bear Watch.

"Since there are no wolves here," She said out loud. "I guess I will free a bear." Wildernessa snuck into the exhibit through the 'Employees Only' door and saw the bear playing with a log. When she walked towards the bear, instead of trying to attack the girl, Nova, the bear, stood there and watched.

"It's okay, buddy." Said Wildernessa. "I am going to release you back in the wild. You will be sent to Canada." Nova tilted his head, meaning he didn't understand. Wildernessa grabbed a fish from the bear's food bowl and used it to lure it out of the exhibit. Thankfully, many of today's visitors were either in the Maryland Wilderness or African Safari exhibits. Once Wildernessa and Nova were outside, she jumped on top of the bear and rode him, and Cheesesticks lead the way to find Mark and the animal trucks.
When Wildernessa, Cheesesticks, and Nova met up with Mark, he was carrying the female peacock in its cage onto the truck. Because there were so many animals to free, he had to use three trucks. When Wildernessa returned on top of Nova, Mark's jaw dropped to the ground.

"I thought I told you to stick with gentler animals." He said sternly.

"He is gentle." Said Wildernessa. She got off the bear and scratched his chin, making Nova happy and relaxed.

"Guess they don't call you the savior of animals for nothing." Said Mark. "But he has to go in a crate. No exceptions. He goes in Truck #3, one of two trucks heading to the Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport."

"But he'll be a good bear." Said Wildernessa. "Won't you, my big boy?" As she scratched the bear's chin, Nova purred like a kitten.

"Alright." Said Mark. "But when he goes on the plane, he HAS to be in a pet crate."

"Deal!" Said Wildernessa. She spat on her hand and extended it towards Mark. The teenager reluctantly shook hands with the forest girl. As they stopped shaking hands, Craig, Kelsey, JP, and Mortimer carried a box of five prairie dogs. There were holes on the top so they could breathe.

"Here's our last catch for the day!" Said Craig. "I think we have enough animals to release back in the wild."

"Now just one problem remains." Said Kelsey. "How are we going to drive three trucks and one car at once?! None of us except for Mark can drive yet!"

"What about the time I drove in that go-kart derby?" Asked JP.

"That doesn't count." Said Mark.

"I have an idea!" Said Craig. "And it's fool-proof!"
When a zookeeper opened the door to the Animal Ambassadors building, he noticed something: One of the cupboards was open! He walked toward Echo's cage to ask what was up.

"Did you sneak out of your cage to get a cracker?" He asked.

"Echo ain't saying anything. Squawk!" Replied the parrot.

"Even if I fed you to the crocodile?" The zookeeper threatened.

"Squawk! Can't do that." Said Echo. "I'm an endangered species. Squawk! But you are free to check the secret room." The zookeeper entered the secret rooms, and he noticed something fishy: Seven of their animal ambassadors are missing! However, there was a note in the tank where Blink the gecko used to live. He opened up the tank, grabbed the note, and started to read it.

Dear Maryland Zoo,

This is the Environmental Protection Agency. We have confiscated more than 25 of your animals because we believe they will be less stressed in their natural habitats. They are in three of your trucks waiting to be sent by either air or sea: Two trucks will be heading to the Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport, while one will be heading to Baltimore Inner Harbor. Make sure you put address stickers on the boxes and crates stating which country each animal will be sent to. If you don't make sure your animals are shipped out by Wednesday, I will have to fire all your best employees. Also, make sure you send their health permits so they don't have to take more medicine than necessary.

See you on Wednesday!

Mr. Samples

"Oh no!" He said, pulling out a walkie-talkie. "I need to tell everyone about this, quick! Gentlemen, we have an ultimatum from the EPA."
When Craig, Kelsey, JP, Wildernessa, Mark, and the two pets made it to the car in the parking lot, the three zoo trucks started to leave the zoo.

"Alright." Said Mark. "Next stop, Baltimore Inner Harbor!" Mark started driving, and the kids decided to announce their next plan.

"Remember how Stacks said that captive predators don't survive well in the wild?" Said Wildernessa. "I think three of us need to split up to make sure the predators don't end up eating each other. Craig, you have to make sure Makoda the Badger doesn't end up hurting any of the prairie dogs while on the flight to the American Prairie Reserve in Montana. Kelsey, get on the next boat to Matadi, Congo to make sure the leopard doesn't eat the okapi."

"A true warrior never turns down a challenge." Said Kelsey. "I will do it!"

"As for me," Wildernessa concluded. "I will sneak my way onto the flight to the Yukon Wildlife Reserve in Canada to keep Nova company."

"But how am I supposed to get on the plane without plane tickets?" Asked Craig. "I don't have enough money in my allowance!"

"Your problem, not mine." Said Wildernessa.
The car and one of the trucks soon made it to the Baltimore Inner Harbor. Once the truck found a perfect spot in the parking lot, the driver got out to tell the sailors and captains about his dilemma. One by one, sailors got to the parking lot to carry the animals out. The gang was watching from within Mark's car.

"I will promise not to disappoint you, Wildernessa." Said Kelsey. She and Mortimer got out of the car and onto one of the docks. She was hiding behind a box to see which boat would be heading to Congo.

'None of them say Congo.' Kelsey thought to herself. Soon, she saw two men carrying Sofiya the Leopard in a pet crate and dropping it off on a boat to a place called 'Matadi'.

"We better check for more information, my trusty falcon." Kelsey told Mortimer. She made it onto the boat without causing too much distraction, but then, a voice from the PA started to speak.

"This is your captain speaking." Said the voice. "In ten minutes, we will start our five-day trip to Matadi in the Democratic Republic of Congo. However, we will take a stop in Guyana to fill up on gas, and after that, we will drop you off at the lovely Matadi!"

"Great!" Said Kelsey, grabbing a pencil and a piece of paper. She began to write a letter to her dad about the next part of her quest. "Mortimer! Bring this letter to my dad as soon as you can!" Kelsey folded the paper into a square and gave it to the parakeet. She then pulled out her phone to show Mortimer where she was going. "I will be going to this country, Guyana. Wherever that is. Do not fail me, my loyal falcon! Just try to go easy on the birdseed." As soon as Mortimer flew back to Mark's car, the boat to Matadi took off with Kelsey, Sofiya, and okapi inside.
Author's Notes: Mr. Samples in this chapter is named after former Cartoon Network CEO Jim Samples.
Image result for Jim Samples
The go-kart derby that JP mentions is a reference to the Craig of the Creek episode 'Creek Cart Derby'.
Nova the Brown Bear is another resident at the Maryland Zoo. He can be seen at the Polar Bear Watch exhibit.
brown bear

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