The Great Toon War Chapter 10
WARNING! This is when the fights start getting more intense and a tad violent.
"Next up," Said Madame Foster once again through a megaphone. "Plank vs. Alan!" Jonny threw plank forwards, and Alan floated towards the wooden board. The newer Cartoon Network characters couldn't help but laugh their heads off.
"Next up," Said Madame Foster once again through a megaphone. "Plank vs. Alan!" Jonny threw plank forwards, and Alan floated towards the wooden board. The newer Cartoon Network characters couldn't help but laugh their heads off.
"What's that, Plank?" Jonny asked his best friend. "Want me to clap twice? And you need your cape? Okay!" He threw out a picnic blanket and clapped his hands twice. Plank then turned into Super Plank!
"Tra la la!!!" He shouted triumphantly. He then looked at Alan. "Are you one of the replacement friends the Eds made and overwhelmed Jonny?"
"No." Said the balloon. "My name is Alan Keane. I am a balloon that wants to make the world a better place."
"Don't listen to him!" Shouted Gumball. "He wants to take over the world and eliminate negative emotions, even when we need them!"
"Do you really mean that?" Asked Plank, grabbing Alan by the string.
"Well...." Alan stammered. "I think Tina, Carrie, and Jamie need to smile once in a while. And maybe that distorted CG Cyclops who wants to kill Gumball."
"Does that mean you're secretly evil?" Asked Plank, deflating Alan by loosening his knot.
"Yes!" Pleaded Alan. "I have this innocent and positive nature to his my true personality: A criminal mastermind! Please don't shoot splinters at me!"
"Okay, citizen." Said Plank. "I'll let you go." He inflated Alan back to his regular size, but then he popped him with one of his splinters.
"I hate being a balloon." Muttered Alan.
"Next up," Said Madame Foster once again through a megaphone. "Dee Dee vs. Jake the Dog!" The girl and the magic dog started walking towards each other.
"How did the Scottish terrier feel when he saw a monster?" Asked Dee Dee.
"Oh no." Said Jake. "Not another lame dog joke." Dee-Dee then drank a monster serum and turned into a massive 250-foot-tall spider/hominid monster with grey fur, eight long spider-like legs with pink nails on the tips, yellow eyes, and a lizard-like tongue.
"TERRIER-FIED!" She shouted.
"Well, I have something to tell you, Spider Legs!" Said Jake. "I am a magic dog!" He then stretched around Dee Dee's legs and wrapped around them like a snake.
"I have another riddle for you, doggie." Said Dee Dee. "What do you call a dachshund on fire?"
"I don't know." Said Jake. Suddenly, Dee Dee's fist was starting to ignite.
"A hot dog!" Before she could punch Jake's face, Connie ran towards the monster and stabbed Dee Dee's hand with her sword. Dee Dee howled in pain, clutching onto her injured hand. Jake then unraveled himself, and Dee Dee fell to the ground.
"Thank you." Said Jake.
"You're welcome." Said Connie. "But Marceline will take care of this beast." Dee Dee felt insulted by Connie's words.
"Who are you calling a beast?!" She shouted. Then, a large bat flew by and pulled on Dee Dee's fur.
"Ack!" Shouted Dee Dee. "You were pulling on my unicorn fur!" The bat flew to Jake and Connie and turned back into her normal form. It was Marceline.
"Girls hate it when you mess with their hair." She said. "I did that to Bonnibel once and she was mad at me for a week." Jake and Connie were stunned at what Marceline just said. "Don't worry so much, guys. Like Connie said, I can take care of this monster." Connie then rode on Jake, and the two of them headed back to the MCN home base.
"What kind of dog would Dracula have?" Asked Dee Dee. "A bloodhound! Ha ha ha ha!" Marceline turned into a bat again and flew towards the back of Dee Dee's head.
"I'm not going to fall for that, again!" Said Dee Dee, and she grabbed Marceline. She then turned into a tentacle monster and started strangling Dee Dee. Jake came back and once again wrapped himself around Dee Dee's legs. Marceline then turned into a 40-foot-tall bat and pinned Dee Dee to the ground. Marceline then stuck her fangs into Dee Dee's shoulder and sucked out some of Dee Dee's blood. Both of them then reverted to their normal forms. Cow and Chicken then appeared, put Dee Dee on a cot, and headed back to the MCN home base.
Author's Notes: Plank saying 'Tra la la' is an obvious nod to Captain Underpants (both the movie and the books).
The situation Plank explains was from the Ed, Edd n Eddy episode 'Dear Ed', in which Jonny and Plank have an argument and Jonny needs a new best friend. Near the end of the episode, Jonny gets invited to a party with many objects with faces drawn on them. However, it overwhelmed Jonny a little.

In the end, however, Jonny and Plank make up and are best friends again.
The plan Gumball mentions in this chapter is from the Amazing World of Gumball episode 'The Vision'.
While Marceline (from Adventure Time) is a vampire, she has many supernatural powers and traits you wouldn't find in your average vampire. She is able to transform into numerous monsters, including one with tentacles!

The 'distorted CG Cyclops' that Alan mentions is yet another Amazing World of Gumball character, Rob (not to be confused with Bobert). He's a bit similar to Sideshowo Bob from The Simpsons, except maybe not as memorable.

Author's Notes: Plank saying 'Tra la la' is an obvious nod to Captain Underpants (both the movie and the books).
The situation Plank explains was from the Ed, Edd n Eddy episode 'Dear Ed', in which Jonny and Plank have an argument and Jonny needs a new best friend. Near the end of the episode, Jonny gets invited to a party with many objects with faces drawn on them. However, it overwhelmed Jonny a little.

In the end, however, Jonny and Plank make up and are best friends again.
The plan Gumball mentions in this chapter is from the Amazing World of Gumball episode 'The Vision'.
While Marceline (from Adventure Time) is a vampire, she has many supernatural powers and traits you wouldn't find in your average vampire. She is able to transform into numerous monsters, including one with tentacles!

The 'distorted CG Cyclops' that Alan mentions is yet another Amazing World of Gumball character, Rob (not to be confused with Bobert). He's a bit similar to Sideshowo Bob from The Simpsons, except maybe not as memorable.

Andrew this is amazing even though it was a little sad. You are an amazing blogger who is a Disney and Pixar buff. I wonder how long this story is going to last about The Great Toon War. I loved this Chapter Ten of The Great Toon War because it was the best one yet about the fighting scene in it. I can't wait to read the next one that you send me.