Monday, May 21, 2018

Steven and Phoebe Chapter 15

The four of them were now on a motorcycle to find the space ship.
"I had to add theft, endangerment, and INSANITY to my list of things I did today!" Said Double D.
"Oh, you too?" Went Dexter, while Phoebe chuckled. When they finally found the ship, Phoebe gasped in amazement.
"What? You think we walked here?" Asked Dexter rhetorically. It was time to rescue Steven!
Meanwhile, on Mojo Jojo's ship, Steven was looking at the picture Phoebe gave him. He was then surprised to see Phoebe in a large, purple ship. Phoebe waved to Steven, and Steven waved back.
Mojo Jojo called Mr. Harriman through an intergalactic radio. "Mr. Harriman?"
"Yes, Mr. Mojo?"
"I am proud to say that Experiment 2-1-3 is..." He was interrupted with a horn honk from a giant spaceship. In the window was Phoebe.
"I'll call you back." Mojo hung up the phone and chased Phoebe and the gang in between a mountain.
"Do you know what you're doing?" Evan asked Dexter.
"Don't worry, we're professionals." Phoebe put the belt buckle in her mouth.
"Get that out of your mouth!" Said Dexter. Mojo started shooting the purple ship, one of the shots pierced through the roof. When the timing was right, Phoebe jumped out of the van and landed on Mojo's ship. She started scratching on Steven's capsule cell, but Mojo managed to notice her. He faced both engines in front of  Phoebe and blasted her off his ship.
"Phoebe!" Shouted Steven. Phoebe bounced off hills and landed head first into the street.
"Computer," Mojo said. "Confirm the location of 2-1-3!"
"2-1-3 located." It said.
"Let's finish this." Said Mojo.
The frog that Phoebe first encountered hopped on her head, waking her up. She picked up the frog and dodged a shot from Mojo.
"Don't leave me, okay?" Pleaded Steven.
"Okay." She said, putting the frog down. A gasoline truck drove by, so Phoebe kicked the driver out of the truck and drove it to a local circus. With Mojo on her tail, she grabbed a cannon and placed it in the truck.
"Stupid head." Phoebe said as she got in the cannon, with soon blew up along with the truck, sending her flying into the window of Mojo's ship.
"You're vile! You're foul! You're flawed!" He yelled, trying to crush Phoebe.
"Also cute and fluffy!" She responded, grabbing Mojo's arm and throwing the ape out the window. Phoebe went to Steven's capsule and freed him.
"I knew you would come back for me." He said.
"Nobody gets left behind." She responded. Phoebe jumped off the ship with Steven in her arms, and the ship blew up. Smoke covered the skies, but Dexter and Double D's ship made it out.
"Good kitty." Steven said to Phoebe, who was holding onto Mojo Jojo. The ship was now near the water, creating a tidal wave that got Fionna off her board.
"Hey,  Fionna!" Steven said to her. "Can you guide us to shore?" She saw the two brothers, Phoebe, and the three other aliens.
"Sure." She said. "But I have to make three trips."


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