"She's still in hyperspace. We're calculating her landing point right now." Said Panini. "Squadron 17, Area 51. A planet called E-arth." A picture of the planet then showed up on screen with a red ship that indicates 2-1-3's landing point.
"I want an expert on this planet in here now!" Harriman yelled. He pointed to the ocean and asks "What is that?"
"Water. Most of the planet is covered with it." Answered Slinkman.
"2-1-3 can't survive in water. Her molecular density is too great." Said Mr. Harriman, and everyone was relieved. But then, the camera zoomed in to reveal a beach just a few miles away from the sea.
"No. How much time do we have?" Harriman asked Panini.
"We projected her landing in 6 hours and 45 minutes."
"Very well. We have to gas the planet."
"Hold it! Hold everything!" Yelled an orange, skinny alien with one eye, three legs, and a thick black antenna on his head. "Earth is a protected wildlife preserve. We are using it to rebuild the horsefly population, which I remind you is an endangered species!"
"Who are you, I may ask?" Asked Mr. Harriman. "Are you the so-called Earth expert?"
"Agent Eddward at your service, though I don't know if I would call myself an expert."
"Can't we just destroy the island?" Asked Harriman.
"No, crazy head! The horsefly's favorite food, human beings, have colonies all over that planet!" Responded Double D, handing Harriman a view master.
"Are they intelligent?"
"No, but very delicate. In fact, every time an asteroid hits their planet, they have to begin life all over!"
"How about military forces just landing there?"
"That would be a BAD IDEA! Landing there would cause mass mayhem and plant-wide panic!"
"A quiet capture requires communication with 2-1-3 that we do not posses. Who would you recommend, Mr. Eddward?"
"Does she have a brother? Close grandmother, perhaps?" Mr. Harriman had no choice but to ask Dexter for help.
Meanwhile, in his cell, Dexter saw himself on the newspaper, referred to as an 'idiot scientist'. Infuriated by this, he shredded the paper and ate some of it. When Mr. Harriman and Eddward, whom we shall nickname Double D, entered the room, Dexter said "She got away?"
"I'm sure this isn't a surprise to you, Mr. Tartovsky." Said Mr. Harriman.
"I have programmed experiment 2-1-3 to be unstoppable." Replied Dexter.
"We are willing to make a trade, Dexter." Harriman proposed. "Your freedom for her capture."
"But I am going to need something to catch her with. Maybe a shot from a plasma cannon would stun her long enough..."
"Plasma cannon granted."
"We have a deal." said Dexter, as he and Harriman shook hands.
"But it's a delicate planet!" Said Eddward. "Who's gonna control him?"
"You will, Mr. Eddward." Double D gulped as Mr. Harriman went down the elevator. Dexter then looked Double D.
"Tell me, my one-eyed friend." Said Dexter. "What pitiful, unlucky, defenseless planet has my monstrosity been unleashed?"
Author's Note: Slinkman is a slug from Camp Lazlo, Joe Murray's successor to Rocko's Modern Life. He is probably best described as Waylon Smithers from The Simpsons as a banana slug.

Panani was a character from a Cartoon Network show called Chowder. The best way to describe it is like a cross between SpongeBob and Ratatouille with a hint of Jim Henson. The character Panini in the show had a huge crush on the titular character Chowder, in a similar manor to Miss Piggy from the Muppets and Helga Pataki in Hey Arnold!

Andrew this story is well written. The characters in this story work really well together to fix a problem that they have. This story called Steven and Phoebe Chapter 3 is really good. Thank you so much for sharing this blog with me. I am looking forward to reading your next blog that you send me.