Thursday, August 22, 2024

Louise's Pokemon

Hi, everybody! As promised, here are all the 18 Pokemon that Louise has caught throughout her adventure.

Honda the Revavroom (Obtained as a birthday present in Violet City, Johto)

Big Mama the Noctowl (Caught in Route 30, Johto)

Rosey the Ariados (Caught in Route 30, Johto)

Bella the Victreebel (Caught in Route 31, Johto)

Rockette the Golem (Caught in Dark Cave, Johto)

Pip & Squeak the Maushold (Caught in Route 32, Johto)*

Evinrude the Yanmega (Caught in Route 35, Johto)

Puja the Hypno (Caught in Route 34, Johto)

Oliver the Arcanine (Caught in Route 36, Johto)

Luisa the Hariyama (Caught in Union Cave, Johto)*

Jinx the Absol (Caught in Union Cave, Johto)*

Maggie the Magnezone (Caught in Route 37, Johto)

Gromit the Granbull (Caught in Route 37, Johto)

Emmet the Floatzel (Caught in Route Route 35, Johto)*

Clambo the Cloyster (Caught in Route 41, Johto)

Puff the Goodra (Caught in Safari Zone, Johto)

Diana the Diancie (Caught in Mt. Mortar, Johto)*

Mupyon the Golurk (caught in Tanoby Chambers, Sevii Islands)

*Encountered using Pokemon Radio.

Well, that wraps my Louise vs the Equalites! Between August 31st and October 19th or so, I'm gonna review all but three of DreamWorks' movies for the company's 30th anniversary. Just like my Disney100 marathon, my mini-review of  DreamWorks' films will be uploaded onto Facebook, with seven movies covered per week for the next seven weeks. Because of this, there won't be any new movie reviews until November.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Louise vs. the Equalites Chapter 12

“How could this be?” Said Gong Shen. “It can’t be true. You don’t need to have a balanced team.”

“Turns out you can.” Said Louise, returning Rockette to her Poke Ball. “Now, can you please put the Professor down? You promised that if I win, you’d spare his life.”

“Did I say that?” Asked Shen. “It seems that I had my fingers crossed. Pangoro, grab Louise and pop her like a balloon! Gingko will come next. I want to see his pupil die in front of him.” Pangoro picked up Louise and was about to break her rib cage, but she used whatever strength she had left to send out a Pokemon. Any species. She grabbed a Dusk Ball and sent out Diana. She tried to send out a vocal command, but Pangoro was crushing so hard she was having trouble breathing.

“Your owner needs your help, little Carbink!” Said Hao. “Use your strongest move!” Upon seeing Louise being crushed to death, Diana fired a powerful beam at Pangoro, making the Daunting Pokemon faint and fall to the ground, letting go of both Ping and Louise. Suddenly, Diana felt its body change as light engulfed City Hall.


Outside, Yuza and Terra noticed light engulfing City Hall. They have finished defeating some Equalite Grunts in Ducai and had them cuffed to a telephone pole.

“Something is up at City Hall.” Said Terra. “Shouldn’t we go investigate? Ping could be in there!”

“You’re right, Terra.” Said Yuza. “Let’s go investigate.” The two soon headed off to City Hall to check out the phenomina.


The light surrounding City Hall soon subsided, and Diana was now a Diancie. This caught the eyes of Gong Shen, who somehow managed to avoid the attack.

“You’re a Fairy-Type Pokemon, aren’t you?” Diana nodded its head yes. “Well, everyone knows that Poison beats Fairy, and you shall be defeated easily.” Diana responded by simply using Smack Down on Shen, knocking him unconscious.

“That was great, Diancie!” Said Ping as he got himself off of the Pangoro. “Seaking!” He sent out Seaking. “Use your horn to free Hao. I’m gonna check on Louise.” While Seaking was cutting the rope that tied up Hao, Ping checked Louise’s right arm, and she felt cold. As if luck had it, Yuza and Terra arrived on the scene.

“Hello, Gingko.” Said Yuza, but then she looked at Louise. “What’s wrong with Louise?”

“She’s been wounded by this Pangoro.” Said Ping. “We need to bring her to the nearest hospital ASAP!”


Ping and his Incineroar carried Louise over to the hospital, and when he told the secretary about the situation, they agreed to put her in the Emergency Room with an Audino. As for Diana, it was beside the Professor while the Heel Pokemon was lying on the floor like a Meowth. Ping texted Yvette about the situation, and they were horrified beyond belief.


Ping: She nearly got choked to death by Gong Shen’s Pangoro. After that, her Carbink mutated into Diancie and used Hyper Beam.

Yvette: Did you get hurt?

Ping: No, because I was holding a Gholdengo coin. Ghost-Type Pokemon are immune to Normal-Type attacks, you know.

Yvette: And where is she right now? My daughter, I mean.

Ping: She’s in the Emergency Room. Hopefully, she’ll be done within a few hours, and we’ll be sending Louise home.

Yvette: You better be right, Mr. Gingko!

Ping then put down his phone to look at the Emergency Room door. “Please be okay, Louise.”


The next day, Louise found herself in her bed with Oliver waiting on the floor. When she got out of bed, she noticed that her right arm was in a cast.

“Oh yeah, I remember now.” She said. “I was being choked by Shen’s Pangoro, but then Carbink saved me. The rest was a blur.” Louise looked around, and she noticed that she was back in her bedroom.

“How am I back in my bedroom?” She asked out loud, but Oliver just cocked his head. After taking a quick shower and having a Chansey omelet for breakfast, Louise walked outside, and she was surprised by who was there: It was her parents, Ping, and four of the five Pinghei Gym Leaders!

“SURPRISE!” They shouted, and Louise had lots of questions on her mind.

“What are all of you doing here?” She asked. “And why is my arm in a cast?”

“You got hit by your Carbink’s Hyper Beam.” Said Yvette. “And your Carbink is no longer a Carbink: It’s a Diancie!” She took out a Poke Ball, opened it up, and Diana was taken out. Louise was amazed beyond belief.

“As for the cast,” Explained Ping. “The doctors’ Audino couldn’t completely heal your body, so you have to wear that cast.”

“As for why we are all here,” Explained Terra. “We came here to congratulate you on defeating The Equalites. And don’t worry about Gong Shen and his crew: Yuza arrested those rascals, locked them away, and fed the key to an Aron. They eat metal, you know.”

“We also came to give you an award.” Said Quin, taking out a Master Ball. “As you may already know, Master Balls are the most coveted Poke Balls of all time. They can capture any Pokemon species without fail, and are best advised to be used on Legendary Pokemon, but only those that will not upset the ecological balance. Like Heatran, Cresselia, Lunala, or Glastrier.”

“Thank you so much!” Said Louise, grabbing the Master Ball from Quin. “But shouldn’t you be back in Pinghei? Who’s watching the Gyms?”

“Don’t worry about it!” Said Jia. “A lot of Gym Leaders abandon their posts every now and again. Just look at the Fighting Dojo in Saffron City, Kanto!”

“Now that you saved Pinghei from the Equalites,” Said Ping. “What do you want to do next?”

“After I finish high school,” Said Louise. “I’d like to enroll at Blueberry Academy and catch some momo-Type Pokemon to diversify my team.”

“And what are you gonna do now, Louise?” Asked Clive.

“I think I’ll enjoy the rest of my high school years and battle my friends Maxine, Benny, and Brenda!” Louise sent out Honda to ride him to Violet City, where Brenda was located.

“She’s gonna do lots of good, Yvette.” Said Ping.

“I know she will.” Yvette replied. “There must be lots of good in her if she managed to beat an evil team by herself.”


Author's Notes: Chansey Omelets are another delay players can fight for at the Battle Buffet in Pokemon Sun and Moon.
In Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver, after you get all 16 Badges, players call Gym Leaders over to the Fighting Dojo for rematches. This is especially useful for leveling up your Pokemon after fighting every other Trainer in the game.
Well, another story is done! I won't showcase the Pinghei Pokedex, but I will share all 18 of Louise's Pokemon tomorrow. Stay tuned, everyone!

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Louise vs. the Equalites Chapter 11

After healing her Pokemon, Louise and Ping have arrived at Ducai’s city hall. When they entered the building, Gong Shen was sitting there with his feet on Ping’s desk.

“Hey, you bendan!” Said Ping. “Get your filthy feet off of my desk!”

“If it isn’t Gingko.” Said Shen. “And I see that you brought your Wailmer with you!” Louise started getting mad.

“That’s it!” She shouted. “I’m sick of everyone calling me fat! Just because I’m big boned doesn’t mean I’m a freak! Is that how you find pleasure in life? Berating others?”

“Basically.” Said Gong Shen. “Ping, you were a thorn in my side from the beginning. I should send out my Pangoro to snap the thorn in half.” He sent out Pangoro to grab Ping and threaten to break him in half.

“HOW DARE YOU!” Louise shouted, dodging the Daunting Pokemon and picking up a ruler to whack Shen with. “I may have not known Professor Ping Gingko as long as other people have, but he has taught me more about Pokemon than all my previous school teachers put together! If you kill him, I’ll have to whack you.”

“Alright, I’ll make a deal with you.” Said Shen. “We’ll have a Pokemon battle. If you win, I’ll place myself under arrest, and The Equalites will be disbanded. If I win, however, my Pangoro will kill Ping by snapping him in half, and I will rule over Pinghei for years to come.”

“Deal.” Said Louise, shaking hands with Shen. “You go first.”

“Alright!” Said Shen. “I’ll send out Toxurchin!” Toxurchin was sent out.

“I choose you!” Said Louise. “Rockette!” Rockette was sent out.

“Rockette!” Said Louise. “Use Earthquake!” Rockette shook the floor violently, leaving the Sea Urchin Pokemon with 20% of her HP.

“Toxurchin!” Said Shen. “Use Bubble Beam!” Toxurchin sprayed lots of bubbles at Rockette, dealing 80 Hit Points to the Golem.

“Now’s your chance!” Said Louise. “Use Double-Edge!” Rockette attacked Toxurchin with a reckless charge, and the Sea Urchin fainted.

“That was just luck.” Said Gong Shen, returning Toxurchin to her Poke Ball. “Go, Stinger!” Naganadel was sent out.

“Where on Earth did you find a Naganadel?!” Asked Ping.

“I don’t have to tell you.” Replied Shen.

“That was great, Rockette!” Said Louise, returning the Golem to her Poke Ball. “Go, Puja!” Puja was sent out, and she had a Psychic Gem inside her pendulum.

“Stinger!” Said Shen. “Use Dark Pulse!” Stinger attacked Puja with a horrible aura imbued with dark thoughts, leaving the Hypnosis Pokemon with 40% of her HP.

“Puja!” Said Louise. “Use Psychic!” Puja attacked Stinger with a strong telekinetic force, strong enough to make the Naganadel faint. The Psychic Gem was reduced to dust after that.

“Luckily, my next Pokemon is strong against Psychic!” Said Shen, returning Stinger to its Poke Ball. “Go, Vikavolt!” Vikavolt was sent out.

“You deserve a rest, Puja!” Said Louise, returning the Hypno to her Poke Ball. “Go, Oliver!” Oliver was sent out.

“Oliver!” Said Louise. “Use Flare Blitz!” Oliver lit himself on fire and crashed into Vikavolt, leaving the Stag Beetle Pokemon with a quarter of his HP. Arcanine also took serious damage from the recoil.

“Vikavolt!” Said Shen. “Use Mud Shot!” Vikavolt fired lots of mud at Oliver, leaving the Arcanine with half his HP.

“Oliver!” Said Louise. “Use Flamethrower!” Oliver breathed very hot flames on Vikavolt, and the Stag Beetle Pokemon fainted.

“Time to bring out my tank!” Said Shen, returning Vikavolt to his Poke Ball. “Go, Muk!” Muk was sent out

“You deserve a rest, Oliver!” Said Louise, returning the Arcanine to his Poke Ball. “Go, Mupyon!” Mupyon (her Golurk) was sent out.

“Mupyon!” Said Louise. “Use Earthquake!” Mupyon shook the floor violently again, and it not only dealt lots of damage to Muk, but also made the closet door break off and Pangoro drop Ping. Hao could see Louise from inside the closet now that the door broke off.

“Muk!” Said Shen. “Use Shadow Ball!” Muk shot a shadowy blob at Mupyon, leaving the Golurk with 80% of its HP.

“Mupyon!” Said Louise. “Use Stomping Tantrum!” Mupyon attacked Muk in a fit of frustration, and the Sludge Pokemon fainted.

“Good thing my next Pokemon counters Ghost!” Said Shen, returning Muk to his Poke Ball. “Go, Umbreon!” Umbreon was sent out.

“You did a great job, Mupyon!” Said Louise, returning the Golurk to her Poke Ball. “Go, Diana!” Diana was sent out, and it had an Expert Belt strapped on.

“Umbreon!” Said Shen. “Use Iron Tail!” Umbreon tried smacked Diana with her tail, but the attack missed.

“Diana!” Said Louise. “Use Moonblast!” Diana borrowed power from the moon and attacked Umbreon with a strong ray of light, leaving the Moonlight Pokemon with half her HP.

“Umbreon!” Said Shen. “Use Iron Tail!” Umbreon smacked Diana with her tail, leaving the Carbink with 40% of its HP.

“Diana!” Said Louise. “Use Hyper Beam!” Diana fired a powerful beam at Umbreon, and the Moonlight Pokemon fainted.

“I still have one last chance!” Said Shen, returning Umbreon to her Poke Ball. “Go, Drapion!”

‘You deserve a rest, Diana!” Said Louise, returning the Carbink to its Poke Ball. “Go, Golem!” Golem was sent out.

“Drapion!” Said Shen. “Use Brick Break!” Drapion delivered a quick punch to Rockette, leaving the Golem with 80% of her HP.

“Rockette!” Said Louise. “Use Earthquake!” Rockette shook the floor violently, dealing a great amount of damage to Drapion.

“Drapion!” Said Shen. “Use Ice Fang!” Drapion bit Rockette with freezing fangs, dealing 70 Hit Points to the Golem.

“Rockette!” Said Louise. “Use Body Slam!” Rockette jumped into the air and slammed into Drapion, and the Ogre Scorpion Pokemon fainted.
Author's Notes: I know it's strange for a Trainer to have an Ultra Beast (like Naganadel), but I wanted to make sure that there was at least one Pokemon in my story for each Type. I had no Dragon-Types in my story, so I decided to give Shen a Naganadel. Besides, Ash on the anime actually had a Naganadel at one point!

Monday, August 19, 2024

Louise vs. the Equalites Chapter 10

Louise and Ping soon arrived at the Fire-Type Gym, and her team consisted of Emmet, Luisa, Diana, Rockette, Puja, and Mupyon (her Golurk). When they entered the Gym, Quin was nowhere to be seen. Instead, it was another one of the Equalite Grunts, Ransho.

“Sorry, but Shenji isn’t home.” He said. “He moved to, uh, Unova!”

“That’s absurd!” Said Ping. “He can’t handle the filthy air of Unova.”

“He moved to one of the cleaner towns in Unova.” Countered Ransho. While the two men were talking, Louise explored the Gym and found something very surprising in the closet: It was Shenji tied to a chair with a sock in his mouth! She yanked the sock out of his mouth and untied him.

“Thank you so much!” Said Ransho. “I need to change my clothes, brush my teeth and tongue, and take my shower.” He then looked at Ransho. “Wait a minute. You’re the one who tied me up! Let me at you!”

“You don’t even have your Pokemon with you, Mr. I’m-Afraid-of-Germs!” Retorted Ransho. “I took them from you and placed them in my satchel.” Ping soon had enough of this arguing.

“You’re both acting like children!” He shouted. “Shenji, you take a shower. Louise, go battle Ransho to settle this feud. Besides, he knows where Gong Shen is located.”

“That’s right!” Said Ransho. “But I’m saying a word unless you beat me. Go, Rotom!” Heat Rotom was sent out.

“I choose you!” Said Louise. “Diana!” Diana was sent out.

“Rotom!” Said Ransho. “Use Discharge!” Rotom attacked everything around it with electricity, leaving Diana with 80% of her HP.

“Diana!” Said Louise. “Use Stone Edge!” Diana stabbed Rotom with sharp stones, leaving the Plasma Pokemon with half its HP.

“Rotom!” Said Ransho. “Use Overheat!” Rotom attacked Diana with all its power, but it did little damage to the Carbink.

“What the Ducklett?” Ransho exclaimed. “Your Carbink is supposed to melt from the heat!”

“Looks like someone didn’t do their research!” Laughed Louise. “Rock-Type Pokemon are resistant to Fire-Type attacks. Diana, use Power Gem!” Diana attacked Rotom with a ray of light that sparkled as if it were made of gemstones, and the Plasma Pokemon fainted.

“Luckily, my next Pokemon is a beast in every use of the word!” Said Ransho, returning Rotom to its Poke Ball. “Go, Houndoom!” Houndoom was sent out.

“You deserve a rest, Diana!” Said Louise, returning the Carbink to her Poke Ball. “Go, Emmet!” Emmet was sent out, and he was holding a Water Gem in his right paw.

“Emmet!” Said Louise. “Use Wave Crash!” Emmet shrouded himself in water and slammed into the target with full force, making Houndoom faint.

“Time to bring out the big guns!” Said Ransho, returning Houndoom to her Poke Ball. “Go, Incineroar!” Incineroar was sent out, but its fire belt was missing.

“Something seems off.” Said Ping. “That Incineroar is missing its fire belt. Something tells me that it’s either a Ditto or a Zoroark. Better send out Luisa just in case.”

“Already on it!” Said Louise as she returned Emmet to his Poke Ball. “Go, Luisa!” Luisa was sent out.

“Incineroar!” Said Ransho. “Use Flamethrower!” ‘Incineroar’ breathed very hot flames on Luisa, leaving the Hariyama with 75% of her HP.

“Luisa!” Said Louise. “Use Drain Punch!” Luisa attacked ‘Incineroar’ with an energy-draining punch, which not only restored her HP, but also uncovered the Heel Pokemon’s true identity: A Zoroark.

“A Zoroark?” Asked Ping. “Isn’t that cheating?”

“Yeah? Well, Flint in Sinnoh used to have Steelix, Lopunny, and Drifblim before releasing them in the wild!” Retorted Ransho. “Zoroark, use Aerial Ace!” Zoroark confounded Luisa with speed and slashed, dealing 60 Hit Points to the Hariyama.

“Hariyama!” Said Louise. “Use Close Combat!” Luisa fought Zoroark in close without guarding herself, and the Illusion Fox Pokemon fainted.

“I still have one more chance!” Said Ransho as he returned Sharpedo to his Poke Ball. “Go, Salazzle!” Salazzle was sent out, and she had a Focus Sash wrapped around her neck like a scarf.

“You deserve a rest, Luisa!” Said Louise, returning the Hariyama to her Poke Ball. “Go, Rockette!” Rockette was sent out.

“Salazzle!” Said Ransho. “Use Attract!” Salazzle blew a kiss at Rockette to make the Golem fall in love with her, but nothing happened.

“Rockette is a girl, you dumbo!” Said Louise. “Rockette, use Earthquake!” Rockette shook the floor violently, leaving the Toxic Lizard Pokemon with one Hit Point left.

“Salazzle!” Said Ransho. “Use Trailblaze!” Salaazle attacked Rockette suddenly as if leaping out from tall grass, dealing 50 Hit Points to the Golem.

“Golem!” Said Louise. “Use Bulldoze!” Rockette stomped down on the ground and attacked everything around her, making Salazzle faint.

“Okay, I give up.” Admitted Ransho. “Gong Shen is in Ducai. He will be in the City Hall.”

“I should have known.” Said Ping.

“Why didn’t you go back to Ducai in the first place?” Asked Louise.

“He threatened to kill me and my Pokemon.” Responded the Professor. “Also, there was no wifi on the plane that I boarded to Johto.”

“Then let’s go!” Said Louise, as she returned Rockette to her Poke Ball and hurried over to Ducai, with Ping following in pursuit.

“What am I, chopped liver?” Asked Ransho. Emmet soon ran towards Ransho to take his satchel to return the stolen Pokemon to Quin.

Author's Note: In Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, since there are only five Fire-Type Pokemon native to Sinnoh (Chimchar, Monferno, Infernape, Ponyta, and Rapidash), the Fire-Type Elite Four member Flint uses three Pokemon that are not part Fire: Steelix, Lopunny, and Drifblim. Luckily, they fixed it in Platinum by replacing those Pokemon with Flareon, Houndoom, and Magmortar.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Louise vs. the Equalites Chapter 9

Louise and Ping soon arrived at the Water-Type Gym, and her team consisted of Maggie, Bella, Luisa, Pip & Squeak (her Maushold), Rosey, and Puja for good measure. When they entered the Gym, Quin was nowhere to be seen. Instead, it was one of the Equalite Grunts, Xi.

“Looking for Quin?” She asked. “He’s not here right now, but if you beat me, I’ll tell you where to go next.”

“Deal.” Said Louise.

“Okay.” Said Xi. “Just because you’re a different size doesn’t mean I’ll go easy on you. Go, Tentacruel!” Tentacruel was sent out.

“I choose you!” Said Louise. “Maggie!” Maggie was sent out, and it was holding an Electric Gem.

“Tentacruel!” Said Xi. “Use Toxic Spikes!” Tentacruel laid a trap of poisonous spikes at the feet of Louise’s team, and whoever got sent out next would get poisoned.

“Maggie!” Said Louise. “Use Thunderbolt!” Maggie dropped a wicked bolt of lightning on Tentacruel, and the Jellyfish Pokemon fainted.

“How is that possible?!” Shouted Xi as she returned Tentacruel to her Poke Ball. “Tentacruel has very high Special Defense!”

“I’ve been training to use different Items!” Answered Louise.

“Well, you better not switch out your next Pokemon!” Said Xi. “Go, Toxapex!” Toxapex was sent out.

“That was outstanding, Maggie!” Said Louise, returning the Magnezone to its Poke Ball. “Go, Puja!” Puja was sent out, and she was wearing Heavy-Duty Boots.

“How is your Hypno not poisoned?” Asked Xi.

“Any Pokemon wearing those boots will be immune to traps.” Explained Ping.

“Puja!” Said Louise. “Use Hypnosis!” Puja employed hypnotic suggestion to make Toxapex fall asleep.

“Wake up, stupid!” Commanded Xi, but the Brutal Star Pokemon refused to wake up.

“Puja!” Said Louise. “Use Dream Eater!” Puja ate the dream of Toxapex, leaving the Poison-Type Pokemon with half her HP. With no dreams going on in her brain, Toxapex woke up.

“Toxapex!” Said Xi. “Use Lunge!” Toxapex lunged at Puja with full force, leaving the Hypno with 80% of her HP.

“Hypno!” Said Louise. “Use Zen Headbutt!” Puja crashed into Toxapex head-first, leaving the Brutal Pokemon with 20% of her HP.

“Toxapex!” Said Xi. “Use Liquidation!” Toxapex slammed herself into Puja using a full blast of water, leaving the Hypno with half her HP.

“Puja!” Said Louise. “Use Psyshock!” Puja materialized an odd psychic wave to attack Toxapex, and the Brutal Star Pokemon fainted.

“Luckily, my next Pokemon can counter many Types!” Said Xi as she returned Toxapex to her Poke Ball. “Go, Lanturn!” Lanturn was sent out.

“You deserve a rest, Puja!” Said Louise, returning the Hypno to her Poke Ball. “Go, Bella!” Bella was sent out, and she had a Yache Berry in her mouth.

“Bella!” Said Louise. “Use Leaf Storm!” Bella whipped up a storm of sharp leaves that scooped up Lanturn, leaving the Light Pokemon with 40% of his HP.

“Lanturn!” Said Xi. “Use Ice Beam!” Lanturn fired an icy beam at Bella, but luckily, the Yache Berry weakened the attack.

“Bella!” Said Louise. “Use Energy Ball!” Bella fired a ball of energy at Lanturn, and the Light Pokemon fainted.

“I still have one more chance!” Said Xi, returning Lanturn to his Poke Ball. “Go, Sharpedo!” Sharpedo was sent out.

“You deserve a rest, Bella!” Said Louise, returning the Victreebel to her Poke Ball. “Go, Maggie!” Maggie was sent out.

“Sharpedo!” Said Xi. “Use Earthquake!” Shapredo shook the ground violently, and this move would’ve made Maggie faint, but it had one Hit Point left thanks to its Sturdy Ability.

“Maggie!” Said Louise. “Use Thunderbolt!” Maggie dropped a wicked bolt of lightning on Sharpedo, leaving the Brutal Pokemon with 40% of his HP.

“Sharpedo!” Said Xi. “Use Crunch!” Sharpedo bit at Maggie with sharp fangs, and even though it made the Magnezone faint, the Brutal Pokemon had some teeth break off.

“You did a great job, Maggie!” Said Louise, returning the Magnezone to its Poke Ball. “Go, Luisa!” Luisa was sent out, but Xi couldn’t help but laugh.

“Don’t you know anything, fatso?” She said. “Sharpedo has the Ability Rough Skin, and any physical attacks will harm the Defending Pokemon!”

“That’s a risk I’m willing to take!” Said Louise. “Luisa, use Close Combat!” Luisa fought Sharpedo in close without guarding herself, and the Brutal Pokemon fainted. She also hurt her hands from touching Shapredo.

“I can’t believe it!” Said Xi, returning Sharpedo to his Poke Ball. “I won’t tell you where Gong Shen is, but I will tell you where to go next: The Fire-Type Gym, but don’t expect Shenji to be there.

“Maybe we’ll find another clue, Louise.” Said Ping. “Come on. Let’s find another Pokemon Center to heal your Pokemon and change your team.”

Author's notes: When a Pokemon wears Heavy-Duty Boots, it will not be affected by trap movies such as Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web.
When a Pokemon holds a Yache Berry, it weakens the damage from a super-effective Ice-Type attack. This is useful since there are four Types that are weak against Ice: Grass, Flying, Ground, and Dragon.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Louise vs. the Equalites Chapter 8

 Three days have passed, and all of Louise’s Pokemon have been fully evolved. She and Ping were now on a small boat to Wushu City. Louise’s party included Magie (who was now a Magnezone), Rockette (who was now a Golem), Puja, Emmet, Diana (her Carbink), and Luisa (who was now a Hariyama).

“Do you really think I have a chance of beating Gong Shen?” Louise asked Ping.

“Of course, you do!” Replied the Professor. “You’re one of the strongest Trainers younger than 20 that I’ve ever met!”

“Now arriving at Wushu Harbor!” Said the captain. Upon hearing that, Louise looked around and saw Wushu City. However, all the Trainers had shackles on their legs and had either Poison, Dark, or Electric-Type Pokemon.

“Where are Terra and Yuza?” Asked Ping as he and Louise got out of the boat. “They’d be mortified by this!”

“They’re on their own sidequest.” Said Zhang as she revealed herself. “You must be Louise. I’ve been following you on PikaGram, and you’re really talented.”

“Thank you.” Said Louise, only to realize it was sarcasm. “Hey!”

“If you want to find Gong Shen,” Said Zhang. “Then you have to defeat me without the help of Gingko!”

“Challenge accepted!” Said Louise. “You go first!”

“You asked for it, chubbo!” Said Zhang. “Go, Honchkrow!” Honchkrow was sent out.

“I choose you!” Said Louise. “Maggie!” Maggie was sent out.

“I just remembered!” Said the captain. “I have to visit Pacifidlog Town!” He then rode off in his boat.

“Honchkrow!” Said Zhang. “Use Heatwave!” Honchkrow exhaled hot breath on Magnezone, dealing great damage to the Magnet Area Pokemon.’

“Maggie!” Said Louise. “Use Thunder!” Maggie dropped a wicked bolt of lightning on Honchkrow, and the Big Boss Pokemon fainted.

“You just got lucky!” Said Zhang, returning Honchkrow to his Poke Ball. “Go, Electivire!” Electivire was sent out.

“That was excellent, Maggie!” Said Joe, returning Maggie to its Poke Ball. “Go, Rockette!” Rockette was sent out.

“Electivire!” Said Zhang. “Use Brick Break!” Electivire delivered a quick punch to Rockette, and this could’ve knocked out the Golem, but luckily, she had a Chople Berry that weakened the damage.

“Rockette!” Said Louise. “Use Earthquake!” Rockette shook the ground violently (luckily, they were no longer on the dock), and the Motor Drive Pokemon fainted.

“Electivire just has bad Defense stats!” Said Zhang, returning the Motor Drive Pokemon to her Poke Ball. “Go, Muk!” Muk was sent out.

“You deserve a rest, Rockette!” Said Louise, returning the Megaton Pokemon to her Poke Ball. “Go, Puja!” Puja was sent out.

“Puja!” Said Louise. “Use Psychic!” Puja hit Muk with a strong telekinetic force, leaving the Sludge Pokemon with half her HP.

“Muk!” Said Zhang. “Use Fling!” Muk grabbed her Poison Barb and threw it at Puja, poisoning the Hypno.

“You can still do it, Puja!” Said Louise. “Use Psychic once more!” Puja hit Muk with another strong telekinetic force, and the Sludge Pokemon fainted.

“I used up half my team!” Said Zhang, returning Muk to her Poke Ball. “Go, Toxtricity!” Low Key Toxtricity was sent out.

“You deserve a rest, Puja!” Said Louise, returning the Hypno to her Poke Ball. “Go!” Rockette!” Rockette was sent out.

“You better use an Item first.” Said Ping. “Louise pulled a Max Potion out of her bag and sprayed medicine on Rockette. Zhang couldn’t help but laugh.

“You know the rules!” Said Zhang. “Using an Item uses up a turn! Toxtricity, use Belch!” Toxtricity tried letting out a loud burp, but nothing happened.

“Look who forgot the rules, now!” Said Ping. “A Pokemon needs to eat a Berry to perform Belch.”

“Right you are, Mr. Gingko!” Said Louise. “Rockette, use Earthquake!” Rockette shook the ground violently, and the Punk Pokemon fainted.

“Luckily, my next Pokemon is my strongest!” Said Zhang, returning Toxtricity to her Poke Ball. “Go, Nidoqueen!” Nidoqueen was sent out.

“That was excellent, Rockette!” Said Louise, returning the Golem to her Poke Ball. “Go, Emmet!” Emmet was sent out.

“Emmet!” Said Louise. “Use Aqua Tail!” Emmet smacked Nidoqueen with his mighty tail, leaving the Drill Pokemon with half her HP.

“Nidoqueen!” Said Zhang. “Use Thunder Punch!” Nidoqueen lit her right fist with lightning and slugged Emmet with it, leaving the Floatzel with a quarter of his HP.

“Emmet!” Said Louise. “Use Hydro Pump!” Emmet fired lots of water at Nidoqueen, and the Drill Pokemon fainted.

“This is my last chance!” Said Zhang, returning Nidoqueen to her Poke Ball. “Go, Morpeko!” Morpeko was sent out.

“You deserve a rest, Emmet!” Said Louise, returning the Floatzel to her Poke Ball. “Go, Luisa!” Luisa was sent out.

“Morpeko!” Said Zhang. “Use Aura Wheel!” Morpeko attacked Luisa and raised her speed with the energy stored in her cheeks. The Two-Sided Pokemon later changed from yellow to purple.

“Luisa!” Said Louise. “Use Earthquake!” Luisa shook the ground violently, making Morpeko faint.

“Alright, alright!” Said Zhang, returning Morpeko to her Poke Ball. “I won’t tell you where Gong Shen is, but I will tell you that the next place you should go to is…” Zhang was knocked out by a Scizor.

“Great job, Scizor!” Said Yuza. “Sorry that we were absent for so long. A Grunt captured the Treasures of Ruin and pitted them against me and Terra. Right now, she’s returning them to their natural habitats.”

“But where am I supposed to go next?” Asked Louise.

“You can go to either the Water or Fire-Type Gyms.” Said Yuza. “I will go to the Grass-Type Gym.”

“Guess I’ll go to the Water-Type Gym first.” Said Louise. “But is there a Pokemon Center nearby without Grunts? I need to heal my Pokemon and change my team.”

Author's Notes: PikaGram is a spoof on Instagram.
Pacifidlog Town is a location in Hoenn that is located on the water. One of the NPCs will give you a Corsola in exchange for a Bellossom: That's like trading a Musharna in exchange for a Castform!
When given to a Pokemon, a Chople Berry reduces the damage of a super-effective Fighting-Type attack. This is especially useful since there are five different Types weak against Fighting.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Louise vs. the Equalites Chapter 7

Later, Louise, Ping, and Slowqueen arrived at Mt. Mortar. Louise brought Weepinbell to help defeat and catch Carbink, if one would even pop out.

“How are we gonna get DJ Ben to play Kalosian music?” Asked Louise. “He only plays that music on Saturdays, and today’s Friday.”

“I have my way.” Replied Ping, as he pulled out his cellphone and started calling DJ Ben.

“This is Pokemon Radio on Channel 7.5!” He said. “This is DJ Ben speaking, and right now, we’re playing Unova Route 1! What can I do for you today?”

“This is Professor Ping Gingko from Pinghei.” Said the Professor. “I need you to play Kalosian music today, please. It’s an emergency.”

“Sorry, but that’s against our policy.” Said DJ Ben. “You’ll have to wait until tomorrow to hear that kind of music.” This made Ping angry.

“Listen, you!” He shouted into the phone. “We only have who knows how long until Gong Shen decides to take over other Regions! DO YOU WANT TO BE REDUCED TO USING JUST ELECTRIC, POISON, AND DARK-TYPE POKEMON?!”

“Geez, you don’t have to yell about it.” Said Ben. “Okay, I’ll play Kalosian music, but that means I have to play different music tomorrow. What should I play?”

“How about I Love Magikarp?” Asked Louise. “I listened to that song all the time five years ago.”

“Okay.” Said Ben. “But I don’t know what Pokemon will pop up when I play that song.”

“Find out for yourself!” Said Louise. “We have to get going now.”

“Roger that!” Said Ben, and he played Kalosian music. Ping hung up on the phone, Louise turned the Radio for the Poke Gear on, and the three entered the cave. After a few minutes of spelunking, a Carbink fell to the cave floor.

“A wild Carbink appeared!” Remarked Ping.

“I got this, Mr. Gingko.” Said Louise. “Go, Bella!” Bella was sent out.

“Bella!” Said Louise. “Use Razor Leaf!” Bella fired sharp leaves at Carbink, and the Jewel Pokemon fainted.

“That was easier than I thought.” Said Ping. “Now throw a Poke Ball!”

“Good thing I went shopping!” Said Louise, as she pulled out a Dusk Ball at Carbink. After a few seconds of wobbling, the Poke Ball clicked.

“That was easier than I thought.” Said Louise. “But why did I catch a Carbink and not a Shuckle or a Diglett?”

“Carbink is said to be related to Diancie, and Diancie is revered in Pinghei as much as Lugia and Ho-Oh are in Johto.” Ping explained. “Something tells me that your Carbink might mutate into Diancie. However, after your adventure, I think you should catch some Mono-Type Pokemon in case you want to challenge Gym Leaders or E4 Members. Dual-Type Pokemon can have drawbacks, you know.”

“I know.” Replied Louise. “But first, we need to evolve Oliver and Maggie. As well as return Slowqueen to Mahina in Alola.”

“You’re right.” Said Ping. “We should return to the Global Trade Station!”


Meanwhile, Gong Shen was relaxing in Professor Gingko’s office with his feet on his desk. Suddenly, an Equalite with a Murkrow entered the building to inform Shen about news he got on PikaGram.

“What is it, Hunda?” He asked.

“It’s this Trainer from Johto!” Said Hunda, pulling out his Poryphone. “She’s been trained by Professor Gingko to defeat you. And she caught a Carbink!”

“No way.” Said Shen. “Tell Ransho, Xi and Lani to take over the Fire, Water, and Grass-Type Gyms and Zhang to head to the harbor in Wushu City. We’ll get ready to crush this girl like a Bug-Type!” As the Grunts buzzed off, Shen went to the closet to reveal Hao tied to a chair.

“Louise will stop you.” He said. “The prophecy says so.”

“And I’m the King of Kalos.” Said Shen. “Besides, how strong can an overweight teenage girl be?”

Author's Notes: In Pokemon Gold and Silver, along with the remakes HeartGold and SoulSilver, the Goldenrod City Radio Tower, the radio show is hosted by a DJ named Ben. The other characters claim that Ben has a charming and soothing voice.
I Love Magikarp, or The Magikarp Song, is a song about the infamous Water-Type fish, Magikarp. You can listen to the English dub of the song in the link below.