Sunday, August 11, 2024

Louise vs. the Equalites Chapter 2

After the party, Louise decided to test out her new presents by going on a quest to capture 18 different Pokemon. She made a deal that she’d call every day to make sure she’s okay and NEVER leave Johto. Luckily, she was given five Nest Balls to catch her next five Pokemon, since they’re great at catching Pokemon Levels 2-9. Louise arrived with Honda in Route 30, and she decided to catch two Pokemon here, and another in the next Route.

“Hoothoot are usually nocturnal, but it’s only 3 in the afternoon.” She said to herself. “However, if you were to knock your head against this tree trunk, a Pokemon may fall out. Honda, use Headbutt!” Honda crashed into the tree, and a Hoothoot came out. Luckily, it was sound asleep, even after being knocked out of the tree.

“I’ve never been this close to a wild Pokemon before.” Louise quietly said out loud, slowly walking over to the Owl pokemon. She picked up the Hoothoot to check its gender. Yep. It was a girl.

“Since it’s probably just Level 5 or something,” Said Louise. “I’ll use this Nest Ball to catch it without even fighting it.” Louise threw the Poke Ball at Hoothoot, and after a few seconds of wobbling, it clicked.

“Gotcha!” Louise exclaimed. “I’ll name her Big Mama. Let’s see if I can catch a Weedle or a Spinarak. Honda, use Headbutt on the next tree!” Honda did as commanded, and a Spinarak came out.

“Honda!” Said Louise. “Use Gyro Ball!” Varoom tackled Spinarak with a high-speed spin, and the Spring Spit Pokemon fainted.

“Now to throw the Nest Ball!” Louise threw the Poke Ball at Spinarak, and after a few seconds of wobbling, it clicked.

“Gotcha!” Said Louise. “This will be as easy as Poffin.”


Two days later, Gong Shen and the Equalites have arrived at Ducai, Pinghei’s capital, so he can overthrow the Region’s mayor and professor. He has already defeated the Grass and Water-Type Gym Leaders Jia and Quin, and was ready to fight Shenji. But first, he needs to get rid of Professor Ping Gingko. Shen and his crew literally burst through the doors of Town Hall, with determination in his eyes.

“Get out of the chair or face my wrath!” He shouted.

“Don’t speak so loudly.” Said Ping. “You’ll wake up Bulbasaur and Quaxly, and the Litten egg isn’t ready to hatch for at least another month.”

“If it isn’t Part Poison, Electric, or Dark,” Said Shen. “Then it should be either eaten or stuffed.”

“Not without a fight.” Said Ping. “Go, Seaking!” Seaking was sent out, but Shen couldn’t help but laugh hysterically.

“You’re sending out a fish against whatever I send out?” He laughed. “Go, Vikavolt!” Vikavolt was sent out.

“Vikavolt!” He shouted. “Use Zap Cannon!” Vikavolt sent a strong electric blast to crash down on Seaking, but luckily, the Goldfish Pokemon avoided the attack.

“Seaking!” Said Ping. “Use Mud Shot!” Seaking, holding a Ground Gem, fired lots of mud at Vikavolt, and it managed to knock him out.

“WHAT?!” Shen screamed in disbelief. “No one hustles an Equalite and gets away with it!” Shen sent out Pangoro to grab Ping, but he was too quick. He returned Seaking to her Poke Ball and escaped through the window.

“He got away, boss!” Said an Equalite Grunt.

“That’s okay.” Replied Shen, returning Vikavolt and Pangoro to their Poke Balls. “At least he’s out of the chair.” Meanwhile, Ping checked his belt to make sure he had the Pokemon he needed for his usual team: Incineroar, Seaking, Dedenne, Lucario, Starfroot, and Orthworm.

“We need to see Hao. He knows even more than I do!”


Back in Johto, Louise has already caught five more Pokemon: Geodude, Tandemaus, Yanma, Drowzee, and Growlithe. Now that it was Wednesday, that meant Channel 7.5 would be playing Hoennese music. Louise decided to go spelunking through the Union Cave to find a Makuhita. She put on the music on her Poke Gear, and she immediately heard rumbling.

“Huh?” She said to herself. “What was that?” An Absol then jumped from behind a stalagmite. “Oh, it’s just an Absol. You are a very misunderstood Pokemon, and aside from your strong Psychic powers, there’s nothing really disastrous about you.” Absol then started barking

“What’s that?” She said. “I can’t speak Absol.” The ground started to rumble again. “What is it that you’re trying to tell…” Suddenly, an Onix popped out of the ground and was about to crush Louise, but the Absol managed to jump into the frey and save the human.

“You were trying to warn me about the Onix?” The Absol nodded her head. “You really do warn people about incoming disasters, don’t you?” Absol nodded her head yes. “Would you mind if I caught you without fighting you? Dark-Type Pokemon can be very powerful and useful.” The Absol nodded her head in agreement. “Okay. Here it goes!” Louise threw a Dusk Ball at Absol, and after a few seconds of wobbling, the Ball clicked.

“Gotcha!” Said Louise. “Now to catch a Makuhita.”

Author's Notes: The Nest Ball is a Poke Ball that works the best on lower-leveled Pokemon. Use it on Pokemon Levels 2-11.

Big Mama, Louise's Hoothoot, is named after Big Mama from The Fox and the Hound. It's based on how I personally nickname Pokemon after characters that I know.

Poffins are pastries that players can obtain Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. Feed these to your Pokemon, and they might be able to win Pokemon Contests!

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