Monday, August 12, 2024

Louise vs. the Equalites Chapter 3

Later that day in Pinghei, Professor Gingko made it to the Pagoda of Indulgence, where Champion Hao lives. When Ping burst through the doors, he heard a loud shush.

“Be quiet.” Said Hao. “This is a place of tranquility and silence.”

“But it’s an emergency!” Ping whispered. “The Equalites have taken over Pinghei.”

“Equalites?” Asked Hao.

“Remember Team Rocket?” Asked Ping. “Well, they’re like that. They’re forcing everyone to only use Poison, Dark, and Electric-Type Pokemon. And to make matters worse, two of Pinghei’s five Gym Leaders have fled in terror!”

“That is an emergency.” Said Hao. “Better get out my Mystic Pokemon.” Hao walked over to his drawer, opened it up, and it revealed twelve additional Poke Balls. He picked one that was green and yellow, opened it up, and it revealed Xatu inside.

“A Xatu?” Asked Ping. “How did you catch one if they’re not native to Pinghei?”

“I may be old,” Said Hao. “But I still have spunk in these old bones. I caught this one in Johto after solving a difficult puzzle. Xatu, use Future Sight!”

“Xat Xat!” Shouted the Mystic Pokemon, and it floated into the air with its red chest markings glowing.

“He’s having a vision.” Said Hao. Xatu chanted again, but Ping couldn’t understand a thing.

“He says to go to Johto.” Said Hao. “You’ll find a girl named Louise who will defeat the Equalites, and you need to train her. Right now, she just got out of the Union Cave. Tomorrow, she will travel to the Safari Zone to catch a Sliggoo, and you have to train her.”

“How come?” Asked Ping.

“Because she’s the chosen one.” Replied Hao as Xatu floated gently back to the ground. “Speaking of which, the next plane to Johto leaves at 4 PM. Better book a flight before the Equalites take over the airport, as well.”

“Thank you so much!” Said Ping, as he hurried out of the Pagoda of Indulgence to book the next flight to Johto. However, little did they know that a Murkrow was spying on them, and it belonged to an Equalite Grunt!


At the same time, Louise had caught two more Pokemon: Magnemite and Snubbull. She decided to rest at the Three Beasts Hotel, which was built on the same location as the Burnt Tower. In her hotel room, Louise set up Holo-Tok on her Poke Gear to call Yvette and Clive and tell her about her adventure so far.

“Hi, mom! Hi, dad!” Louise started. “You’re probably worried about me, so I decided to call you in case I got in scrapes. Would you like to see some of my Pokemon so far?”

“Sure.” Said Yvette. “Just make sure you didn’t catch Magikarp or Onix.”

“Great!” Said Louise, throwing out six different Poke Balls and revealing a Geodude, Growlithe, Magnemite, Makuhita, Absol, and Drowzee. “This is Rockette, my Geodude, though I want to evolve her into Golem soon. I caught her in the Dark Cave. Next up is Puja, my Drowzee, though I want to evolve her into Hypno soon. I caught her on Route 34. This friendly canine here is my Growlithe, Oliver. I caught him in Route 36, but as soon as I find a Fire Stone, I’ll evolve him into Arcanine. Next up is Luisa, my Makuhita, though I want to evolve her into Hariyama soon. I caught her along with Jinx, my Absol, in Union Cave. Jinx saved me from an Onix, and because of that, she’s part of the team. And finally, there’s Maggie, my Magnmeite. I caught it recently on Route 37, though I want to evolve it into Magnezone.”

“But there are no magnetic fields in Johto!” Said Clive.

“No need to worry, dad!” Assured Louise. “I learned in school that Magneton in some Regions also evolves into Magnezone when exposed to a Thunder Stone, just like Pikachu and Eevee!”

“Is that all you caught so far?” Asked Yvette.

“Nope!” Said Louise. “I also have a Noctowl, Spinarak, Bellsprout, Tandemaus, Yanma, and Snubbull. And if you’re wondering about Honda, he is outside in the parking lot.

“But what if he tries wheeling away?” Asked Clive.

“Don’t worry, dad.” Said Louise. “Honda is chained to a Lagging Tail so he won’t run off.”

“Just one more question before you leave.” Asked Yvette. “How come you don’t have a Water-Type Pokemon?”

“I’ll catch two tomorrow, mom.” Said Louise. “Buizel and Shellder!”

“Just make sure that Shellder doesn’t close its shell on you.” Said Clive. “Good night, sweetheart!”

“Good night, mom! Good night, dad!” Said Louise, and she hung up for the night. Suddenly, a Bellhop arrived with her dinner: Miltank cheese pizza with Rindo salad on the side.

“Here’s dinner, madam.” He said. “But please put your Pokemon back in your Poke Balls. We only allow one Pokemon per bedroom.”

Author's Notes: Holo-Tok, a riff on TikTok, is named after the Holo Caster, a device that players can use to communicate with each other through holograms.
Puja (Louise's Drowzee) is named after my science teacher during high school.
Luisa (Louise's Makuhita) is named after Luisa Madrigal from Encanto. She may be strong enough to send an earthquake all the way to China, but she is actually as soft as a baby capybara.
In Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver (along with Pokemon Crystal), one of the NPCs at the Kanto Power Plant will give you a Magneton named Maggie in exchange for a Dugtrio.
In Pokemon Sun and Moon, players can battle other Trainers at the Battle Buffet to win delicious meals such as Miltank Cheese Pizza, Rindo Salads, Takedown Steak, Chansey Omelets, and Whirlpool Sushi.

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