Friday, August 16, 2024

Louise vs. the Equalites Chapter 7

Later, Louise, Ping, and Slowqueen arrived at Mt. Mortar. Louise brought Weepinbell to help defeat and catch Carbink, if one would even pop out.

“How are we gonna get DJ Ben to play Kalosian music?” Asked Louise. “He only plays that music on Saturdays, and today’s Friday.”

“I have my way.” Replied Ping, as he pulled out his cellphone and started calling DJ Ben.

“This is Pokemon Radio on Channel 7.5!” He said. “This is DJ Ben speaking, and right now, we’re playing Unova Route 1! What can I do for you today?”

“This is Professor Ping Gingko from Pinghei.” Said the Professor. “I need you to play Kalosian music today, please. It’s an emergency.”

“Sorry, but that’s against our policy.” Said DJ Ben. “You’ll have to wait until tomorrow to hear that kind of music.” This made Ping angry.

“Listen, you!” He shouted into the phone. “We only have who knows how long until Gong Shen decides to take over other Regions! DO YOU WANT TO BE REDUCED TO USING JUST ELECTRIC, POISON, AND DARK-TYPE POKEMON?!”

“Geez, you don’t have to yell about it.” Said Ben. “Okay, I’ll play Kalosian music, but that means I have to play different music tomorrow. What should I play?”

“How about I Love Magikarp?” Asked Louise. “I listened to that song all the time five years ago.”

“Okay.” Said Ben. “But I don’t know what Pokemon will pop up when I play that song.”

“Find out for yourself!” Said Louise. “We have to get going now.”

“Roger that!” Said Ben, and he played Kalosian music. Ping hung up on the phone, Louise turned the Radio for the Poke Gear on, and the three entered the cave. After a few minutes of spelunking, a Carbink fell to the cave floor.

“A wild Carbink appeared!” Remarked Ping.

“I got this, Mr. Gingko.” Said Louise. “Go, Bella!” Bella was sent out.

“Bella!” Said Louise. “Use Razor Leaf!” Bella fired sharp leaves at Carbink, and the Jewel Pokemon fainted.

“That was easier than I thought.” Said Ping. “Now throw a Poke Ball!”

“Good thing I went shopping!” Said Louise, as she pulled out a Dusk Ball at Carbink. After a few seconds of wobbling, the Poke Ball clicked.

“That was easier than I thought.” Said Louise. “But why did I catch a Carbink and not a Shuckle or a Diglett?”

“Carbink is said to be related to Diancie, and Diancie is revered in Pinghei as much as Lugia and Ho-Oh are in Johto.” Ping explained. “Something tells me that your Carbink might mutate into Diancie. However, after your adventure, I think you should catch some Mono-Type Pokemon in case you want to challenge Gym Leaders or E4 Members. Dual-Type Pokemon can have drawbacks, you know.”

“I know.” Replied Louise. “But first, we need to evolve Oliver and Maggie. As well as return Slowqueen to Mahina in Alola.”

“You’re right.” Said Ping. “We should return to the Global Trade Station!”


Meanwhile, Gong Shen was relaxing in Professor Gingko’s office with his feet on his desk. Suddenly, an Equalite with a Murkrow entered the building to inform Shen about news he got on PikaGram.

“What is it, Hunda?” He asked.

“It’s this Trainer from Johto!” Said Hunda, pulling out his Poryphone. “She’s been trained by Professor Gingko to defeat you. And she caught a Carbink!”

“No way.” Said Shen. “Tell Ransho, Xi and Lani to take over the Fire, Water, and Grass-Type Gyms and Zhang to head to the harbor in Wushu City. We’ll get ready to crush this girl like a Bug-Type!” As the Grunts buzzed off, Shen went to the closet to reveal Hao tied to a chair.

“Louise will stop you.” He said. “The prophecy says so.”

“And I’m the King of Kalos.” Said Shen. “Besides, how strong can an overweight teenage girl be?”

Author's Notes: In Pokemon Gold and Silver, along with the remakes HeartGold and SoulSilver, the Goldenrod City Radio Tower, the radio show is hosted by a DJ named Ben. The other characters claim that Ben has a charming and soothing voice.
I Love Magikarp, or The Magikarp Song, is a song about the infamous Water-Type fish, Magikarp. You can listen to the English dub of the song in the link below.

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