Saturday, August 17, 2024

Louise vs. the Equalites Chapter 8

 Three days have passed, and all of Louise’s Pokemon have been fully evolved. She and Ping were now on a small boat to Wushu City. Louise’s party included Magie (who was now a Magnezone), Rockette (who was now a Golem), Puja, Emmet, Diana (her Carbink), and Luisa (who was now a Hariyama).

“Do you really think I have a chance of beating Gong Shen?” Louise asked Ping.

“Of course, you do!” Replied the Professor. “You’re one of the strongest Trainers younger than 20 that I’ve ever met!”

“Now arriving at Wushu Harbor!” Said the captain. Upon hearing that, Louise looked around and saw Wushu City. However, all the Trainers had shackles on their legs and had either Poison, Dark, or Electric-Type Pokemon.

“Where are Terra and Yuza?” Asked Ping as he and Louise got out of the boat. “They’d be mortified by this!”

“They’re on their own sidequest.” Said Zhang as she revealed herself. “You must be Louise. I’ve been following you on PikaGram, and you’re really talented.”

“Thank you.” Said Louise, only to realize it was sarcasm. “Hey!”

“If you want to find Gong Shen,” Said Zhang. “Then you have to defeat me without the help of Gingko!”

“Challenge accepted!” Said Louise. “You go first!”

“You asked for it, chubbo!” Said Zhang. “Go, Honchkrow!” Honchkrow was sent out.

“I choose you!” Said Louise. “Maggie!” Maggie was sent out.

“I just remembered!” Said the captain. “I have to visit Pacifidlog Town!” He then rode off in his boat.

“Honchkrow!” Said Zhang. “Use Heatwave!” Honchkrow exhaled hot breath on Magnezone, dealing great damage to the Magnet Area Pokemon.’

“Maggie!” Said Louise. “Use Thunder!” Maggie dropped a wicked bolt of lightning on Honchkrow, and the Big Boss Pokemon fainted.

“You just got lucky!” Said Zhang, returning Honchkrow to his Poke Ball. “Go, Electivire!” Electivire was sent out.

“That was excellent, Maggie!” Said Joe, returning Maggie to its Poke Ball. “Go, Rockette!” Rockette was sent out.

“Electivire!” Said Zhang. “Use Brick Break!” Electivire delivered a quick punch to Rockette, and this could’ve knocked out the Golem, but luckily, she had a Chople Berry that weakened the damage.

“Rockette!” Said Louise. “Use Earthquake!” Rockette shook the ground violently (luckily, they were no longer on the dock), and the Motor Drive Pokemon fainted.

“Electivire just has bad Defense stats!” Said Zhang, returning the Motor Drive Pokemon to her Poke Ball. “Go, Muk!” Muk was sent out.

“You deserve a rest, Rockette!” Said Louise, returning the Megaton Pokemon to her Poke Ball. “Go, Puja!” Puja was sent out.

“Puja!” Said Louise. “Use Psychic!” Puja hit Muk with a strong telekinetic force, leaving the Sludge Pokemon with half her HP.

“Muk!” Said Zhang. “Use Fling!” Muk grabbed her Poison Barb and threw it at Puja, poisoning the Hypno.

“You can still do it, Puja!” Said Louise. “Use Psychic once more!” Puja hit Muk with another strong telekinetic force, and the Sludge Pokemon fainted.

“I used up half my team!” Said Zhang, returning Muk to her Poke Ball. “Go, Toxtricity!” Low Key Toxtricity was sent out.

“You deserve a rest, Puja!” Said Louise, returning the Hypno to her Poke Ball. “Go!” Rockette!” Rockette was sent out.

“You better use an Item first.” Said Ping. “Louise pulled a Max Potion out of her bag and sprayed medicine on Rockette. Zhang couldn’t help but laugh.

“You know the rules!” Said Zhang. “Using an Item uses up a turn! Toxtricity, use Belch!” Toxtricity tried letting out a loud burp, but nothing happened.

“Look who forgot the rules, now!” Said Ping. “A Pokemon needs to eat a Berry to perform Belch.”

“Right you are, Mr. Gingko!” Said Louise. “Rockette, use Earthquake!” Rockette shook the ground violently, and the Punk Pokemon fainted.

“Luckily, my next Pokemon is my strongest!” Said Zhang, returning Toxtricity to her Poke Ball. “Go, Nidoqueen!” Nidoqueen was sent out.

“That was excellent, Rockette!” Said Louise, returning the Golem to her Poke Ball. “Go, Emmet!” Emmet was sent out.

“Emmet!” Said Louise. “Use Aqua Tail!” Emmet smacked Nidoqueen with his mighty tail, leaving the Drill Pokemon with half her HP.

“Nidoqueen!” Said Zhang. “Use Thunder Punch!” Nidoqueen lit her right fist with lightning and slugged Emmet with it, leaving the Floatzel with a quarter of his HP.

“Emmet!” Said Louise. “Use Hydro Pump!” Emmet fired lots of water at Nidoqueen, and the Drill Pokemon fainted.

“This is my last chance!” Said Zhang, returning Nidoqueen to her Poke Ball. “Go, Morpeko!” Morpeko was sent out.

“You deserve a rest, Emmet!” Said Louise, returning the Floatzel to her Poke Ball. “Go, Luisa!” Luisa was sent out.

“Morpeko!” Said Zhang. “Use Aura Wheel!” Morpeko attacked Luisa and raised her speed with the energy stored in her cheeks. The Two-Sided Pokemon later changed from yellow to purple.

“Luisa!” Said Louise. “Use Earthquake!” Luisa shook the ground violently, making Morpeko faint.

“Alright, alright!” Said Zhang, returning Morpeko to her Poke Ball. “I won’t tell you where Gong Shen is, but I will tell you that the next place you should go to is…” Zhang was knocked out by a Scizor.

“Great job, Scizor!” Said Yuza. “Sorry that we were absent for so long. A Grunt captured the Treasures of Ruin and pitted them against me and Terra. Right now, she’s returning them to their natural habitats.”

“But where am I supposed to go next?” Asked Louise.

“You can go to either the Water or Fire-Type Gyms.” Said Yuza. “I will go to the Grass-Type Gym.”

“Guess I’ll go to the Water-Type Gym first.” Said Louise. “But is there a Pokemon Center nearby without Grunts? I need to heal my Pokemon and change my team.”

Author's Notes: PikaGram is a spoof on Instagram.
Pacifidlog Town is a location in Hoenn that is located on the water. One of the NPCs will give you a Corsola in exchange for a Bellossom: That's like trading a Musharna in exchange for a Castform!
When given to a Pokemon, a Chople Berry reduces the damage of a super-effective Fighting-Type attack. This is especially useful since there are five different Types weak against Fighting.

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