Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Louise vs. the Equalites Chapter 12

“How could this be?” Said Gong Shen. “It can’t be true. You don’t need to have a balanced team.”

“Turns out you can.” Said Louise, returning Rockette to her Poke Ball. “Now, can you please put the Professor down? You promised that if I win, you’d spare his life.”

“Did I say that?” Asked Shen. “It seems that I had my fingers crossed. Pangoro, grab Louise and pop her like a balloon! Gingko will come next. I want to see his pupil die in front of him.” Pangoro picked up Louise and was about to break her rib cage, but she used whatever strength she had left to send out a Pokemon. Any species. She grabbed a Dusk Ball and sent out Diana. She tried to send out a vocal command, but Pangoro was crushing so hard she was having trouble breathing.

“Your owner needs your help, little Carbink!” Said Hao. “Use your strongest move!” Upon seeing Louise being crushed to death, Diana fired a powerful beam at Pangoro, making the Daunting Pokemon faint and fall to the ground, letting go of both Ping and Louise. Suddenly, Diana felt its body change as light engulfed City Hall.


Outside, Yuza and Terra noticed light engulfing City Hall. They have finished defeating some Equalite Grunts in Ducai and had them cuffed to a telephone pole.

“Something is up at City Hall.” Said Terra. “Shouldn’t we go investigate? Ping could be in there!”

“You’re right, Terra.” Said Yuza. “Let’s go investigate.” The two soon headed off to City Hall to check out the phenomina.


The light surrounding City Hall soon subsided, and Diana was now a Diancie. This caught the eyes of Gong Shen, who somehow managed to avoid the attack.

“You’re a Fairy-Type Pokemon, aren’t you?” Diana nodded its head yes. “Well, everyone knows that Poison beats Fairy, and you shall be defeated easily.” Diana responded by simply using Smack Down on Shen, knocking him unconscious.

“That was great, Diancie!” Said Ping as he got himself off of the Pangoro. “Seaking!” He sent out Seaking. “Use your horn to free Hao. I’m gonna check on Louise.” While Seaking was cutting the rope that tied up Hao, Ping checked Louise’s right arm, and she felt cold. As if luck had it, Yuza and Terra arrived on the scene.

“Hello, Gingko.” Said Yuza, but then she looked at Louise. “What’s wrong with Louise?”

“She’s been wounded by this Pangoro.” Said Ping. “We need to bring her to the nearest hospital ASAP!”


Ping and his Incineroar carried Louise over to the hospital, and when he told the secretary about the situation, they agreed to put her in the Emergency Room with an Audino. As for Diana, it was beside the Professor while the Heel Pokemon was lying on the floor like a Meowth. Ping texted Yvette about the situation, and they were horrified beyond belief.


Ping: She nearly got choked to death by Gong Shen’s Pangoro. After that, her Carbink mutated into Diancie and used Hyper Beam.

Yvette: Did you get hurt?

Ping: No, because I was holding a Gholdengo coin. Ghost-Type Pokemon are immune to Normal-Type attacks, you know.

Yvette: And where is she right now? My daughter, I mean.

Ping: She’s in the Emergency Room. Hopefully, she’ll be done within a few hours, and we’ll be sending Louise home.

Yvette: You better be right, Mr. Gingko!

Ping then put down his phone to look at the Emergency Room door. “Please be okay, Louise.”


The next day, Louise found herself in her bed with Oliver waiting on the floor. When she got out of bed, she noticed that her right arm was in a cast.

“Oh yeah, I remember now.” She said. “I was being choked by Shen’s Pangoro, but then Carbink saved me. The rest was a blur.” Louise looked around, and she noticed that she was back in her bedroom.

“How am I back in my bedroom?” She asked out loud, but Oliver just cocked his head. After taking a quick shower and having a Chansey omelet for breakfast, Louise walked outside, and she was surprised by who was there: It was her parents, Ping, and four of the five Pinghei Gym Leaders!

“SURPRISE!” They shouted, and Louise had lots of questions on her mind.

“What are all of you doing here?” She asked. “And why is my arm in a cast?”

“You got hit by your Carbink’s Hyper Beam.” Said Yvette. “And your Carbink is no longer a Carbink: It’s a Diancie!” She took out a Poke Ball, opened it up, and Diana was taken out. Louise was amazed beyond belief.

“As for the cast,” Explained Ping. “The doctors’ Audino couldn’t completely heal your body, so you have to wear that cast.”

“As for why we are all here,” Explained Terra. “We came here to congratulate you on defeating The Equalites. And don’t worry about Gong Shen and his crew: Yuza arrested those rascals, locked them away, and fed the key to an Aron. They eat metal, you know.”

“We also came to give you an award.” Said Quin, taking out a Master Ball. “As you may already know, Master Balls are the most coveted Poke Balls of all time. They can capture any Pokemon species without fail, and are best advised to be used on Legendary Pokemon, but only those that will not upset the ecological balance. Like Heatran, Cresselia, Lunala, or Glastrier.”

“Thank you so much!” Said Louise, grabbing the Master Ball from Quin. “But shouldn’t you be back in Pinghei? Who’s watching the Gyms?”

“Don’t worry about it!” Said Jia. “A lot of Gym Leaders abandon their posts every now and again. Just look at the Fighting Dojo in Saffron City, Kanto!”

“Now that you saved Pinghei from the Equalites,” Said Ping. “What do you want to do next?”

“After I finish high school,” Said Louise. “I’d like to enroll at Blueberry Academy and catch some momo-Type Pokemon to diversify my team.”

“And what are you gonna do now, Louise?” Asked Clive.

“I think I’ll enjoy the rest of my high school years and battle my friends Maxine, Benny, and Brenda!” Louise sent out Honda to ride him to Violet City, where Brenda was located.

“She’s gonna do lots of good, Yvette.” Said Ping.

“I know she will.” Yvette replied. “There must be lots of good in her if she managed to beat an evil team by herself.”


Author's Notes: Chansey Omelets are another delay players can fight for at the Battle Buffet in Pokemon Sun and Moon.
In Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver, after you get all 16 Badges, players call Gym Leaders over to the Fighting Dojo for rematches. This is especially useful for leveling up your Pokemon after fighting every other Trainer in the game.
Well, another story is done! I won't showcase the Pinghei Pokedex, but I will share all 18 of Louise's Pokemon tomorrow. Stay tuned, everyone!

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