Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Louise vs. the Equalites Chapter 11

After healing her Pokemon, Louise and Ping have arrived at Ducai’s city hall. When they entered the building, Gong Shen was sitting there with his feet on Ping’s desk.

“Hey, you bendan!” Said Ping. “Get your filthy feet off of my desk!”

“If it isn’t Gingko.” Said Shen. “And I see that you brought your Wailmer with you!” Louise started getting mad.

“That’s it!” She shouted. “I’m sick of everyone calling me fat! Just because I’m big boned doesn’t mean I’m a freak! Is that how you find pleasure in life? Berating others?”

“Basically.” Said Gong Shen. “Ping, you were a thorn in my side from the beginning. I should send out my Pangoro to snap the thorn in half.” He sent out Pangoro to grab Ping and threaten to break him in half.

“HOW DARE YOU!” Louise shouted, dodging the Daunting Pokemon and picking up a ruler to whack Shen with. “I may have not known Professor Ping Gingko as long as other people have, but he has taught me more about Pokemon than all my previous school teachers put together! If you kill him, I’ll have to whack you.”

“Alright, I’ll make a deal with you.” Said Shen. “We’ll have a Pokemon battle. If you win, I’ll place myself under arrest, and The Equalites will be disbanded. If I win, however, my Pangoro will kill Ping by snapping him in half, and I will rule over Pinghei for years to come.”

“Deal.” Said Louise, shaking hands with Shen. “You go first.”

“Alright!” Said Shen. “I’ll send out Toxurchin!” Toxurchin was sent out.

“I choose you!” Said Louise. “Rockette!” Rockette was sent out.

“Rockette!” Said Louise. “Use Earthquake!” Rockette shook the floor violently, leaving the Sea Urchin Pokemon with 20% of her HP.

“Toxurchin!” Said Shen. “Use Bubble Beam!” Toxurchin sprayed lots of bubbles at Rockette, dealing 80 Hit Points to the Golem.

“Now’s your chance!” Said Louise. “Use Double-Edge!” Rockette attacked Toxurchin with a reckless charge, and the Sea Urchin fainted.

“That was just luck.” Said Gong Shen, returning Toxurchin to her Poke Ball. “Go, Stinger!” Naganadel was sent out.

“Where on Earth did you find a Naganadel?!” Asked Ping.

“I don’t have to tell you.” Replied Shen.

“That was great, Rockette!” Said Louise, returning the Golem to her Poke Ball. “Go, Puja!” Puja was sent out, and she had a Psychic Gem inside her pendulum.

“Stinger!” Said Shen. “Use Dark Pulse!” Stinger attacked Puja with a horrible aura imbued with dark thoughts, leaving the Hypnosis Pokemon with 40% of her HP.

“Puja!” Said Louise. “Use Psychic!” Puja attacked Stinger with a strong telekinetic force, strong enough to make the Naganadel faint. The Psychic Gem was reduced to dust after that.

“Luckily, my next Pokemon is strong against Psychic!” Said Shen, returning Stinger to its Poke Ball. “Go, Vikavolt!” Vikavolt was sent out.

“You deserve a rest, Puja!” Said Louise, returning the Hypno to her Poke Ball. “Go, Oliver!” Oliver was sent out.

“Oliver!” Said Louise. “Use Flare Blitz!” Oliver lit himself on fire and crashed into Vikavolt, leaving the Stag Beetle Pokemon with a quarter of his HP. Arcanine also took serious damage from the recoil.

“Vikavolt!” Said Shen. “Use Mud Shot!” Vikavolt fired lots of mud at Oliver, leaving the Arcanine with half his HP.

“Oliver!” Said Louise. “Use Flamethrower!” Oliver breathed very hot flames on Vikavolt, and the Stag Beetle Pokemon fainted.

“Time to bring out my tank!” Said Shen, returning Vikavolt to his Poke Ball. “Go, Muk!” Muk was sent out

“You deserve a rest, Oliver!” Said Louise, returning the Arcanine to his Poke Ball. “Go, Mupyon!” Mupyon (her Golurk) was sent out.

“Mupyon!” Said Louise. “Use Earthquake!” Mupyon shook the floor violently again, and it not only dealt lots of damage to Muk, but also made the closet door break off and Pangoro drop Ping. Hao could see Louise from inside the closet now that the door broke off.

“Muk!” Said Shen. “Use Shadow Ball!” Muk shot a shadowy blob at Mupyon, leaving the Golurk with 80% of its HP.

“Mupyon!” Said Louise. “Use Stomping Tantrum!” Mupyon attacked Muk in a fit of frustration, and the Sludge Pokemon fainted.

“Good thing my next Pokemon counters Ghost!” Said Shen, returning Muk to his Poke Ball. “Go, Umbreon!” Umbreon was sent out.

“You did a great job, Mupyon!” Said Louise, returning the Golurk to her Poke Ball. “Go, Diana!” Diana was sent out, and it had an Expert Belt strapped on.

“Umbreon!” Said Shen. “Use Iron Tail!” Umbreon tried smacked Diana with her tail, but the attack missed.

“Diana!” Said Louise. “Use Moonblast!” Diana borrowed power from the moon and attacked Umbreon with a strong ray of light, leaving the Moonlight Pokemon with half her HP.

“Umbreon!” Said Shen. “Use Iron Tail!” Umbreon smacked Diana with her tail, leaving the Carbink with 40% of its HP.

“Diana!” Said Louise. “Use Hyper Beam!” Diana fired a powerful beam at Umbreon, and the Moonlight Pokemon fainted.

“I still have one last chance!” Said Shen, returning Umbreon to her Poke Ball. “Go, Drapion!”

‘You deserve a rest, Diana!” Said Louise, returning the Carbink to its Poke Ball. “Go, Golem!” Golem was sent out.

“Drapion!” Said Shen. “Use Brick Break!” Drapion delivered a quick punch to Rockette, leaving the Golem with 80% of her HP.

“Rockette!” Said Louise. “Use Earthquake!” Rockette shook the floor violently, dealing a great amount of damage to Drapion.

“Drapion!” Said Shen. “Use Ice Fang!” Drapion bit Rockette with freezing fangs, dealing 70 Hit Points to the Golem.

“Rockette!” Said Louise. “Use Body Slam!” Rockette jumped into the air and slammed into Drapion, and the Ogre Scorpion Pokemon fainted.
Author's Notes: I know it's strange for a Trainer to have an Ultra Beast (like Naganadel), but I wanted to make sure that there was at least one Pokemon in my story for each Type. I had no Dragon-Types in my story, so I decided to give Shen a Naganadel. Besides, Ash on the anime actually had a Naganadel at one point!

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