Sunday, August 18, 2024

Louise vs. the Equalites Chapter 9

Louise and Ping soon arrived at the Water-Type Gym, and her team consisted of Maggie, Bella, Luisa, Pip & Squeak (her Maushold), Rosey, and Puja for good measure. When they entered the Gym, Quin was nowhere to be seen. Instead, it was one of the Equalite Grunts, Xi.

“Looking for Quin?” She asked. “He’s not here right now, but if you beat me, I’ll tell you where to go next.”

“Deal.” Said Louise.

“Okay.” Said Xi. “Just because you’re a different size doesn’t mean I’ll go easy on you. Go, Tentacruel!” Tentacruel was sent out.

“I choose you!” Said Louise. “Maggie!” Maggie was sent out, and it was holding an Electric Gem.

“Tentacruel!” Said Xi. “Use Toxic Spikes!” Tentacruel laid a trap of poisonous spikes at the feet of Louise’s team, and whoever got sent out next would get poisoned.

“Maggie!” Said Louise. “Use Thunderbolt!” Maggie dropped a wicked bolt of lightning on Tentacruel, and the Jellyfish Pokemon fainted.

“How is that possible?!” Shouted Xi as she returned Tentacruel to her Poke Ball. “Tentacruel has very high Special Defense!”

“I’ve been training to use different Items!” Answered Louise.

“Well, you better not switch out your next Pokemon!” Said Xi. “Go, Toxapex!” Toxapex was sent out.

“That was outstanding, Maggie!” Said Louise, returning the Magnezone to its Poke Ball. “Go, Puja!” Puja was sent out, and she was wearing Heavy-Duty Boots.

“How is your Hypno not poisoned?” Asked Xi.

“Any Pokemon wearing those boots will be immune to traps.” Explained Ping.

“Puja!” Said Louise. “Use Hypnosis!” Puja employed hypnotic suggestion to make Toxapex fall asleep.

“Wake up, stupid!” Commanded Xi, but the Brutal Star Pokemon refused to wake up.

“Puja!” Said Louise. “Use Dream Eater!” Puja ate the dream of Toxapex, leaving the Poison-Type Pokemon with half her HP. With no dreams going on in her brain, Toxapex woke up.

“Toxapex!” Said Xi. “Use Lunge!” Toxapex lunged at Puja with full force, leaving the Hypno with 80% of her HP.

“Hypno!” Said Louise. “Use Zen Headbutt!” Puja crashed into Toxapex head-first, leaving the Brutal Pokemon with 20% of her HP.

“Toxapex!” Said Xi. “Use Liquidation!” Toxapex slammed herself into Puja using a full blast of water, leaving the Hypno with half her HP.

“Puja!” Said Louise. “Use Psyshock!” Puja materialized an odd psychic wave to attack Toxapex, and the Brutal Star Pokemon fainted.

“Luckily, my next Pokemon can counter many Types!” Said Xi as she returned Toxapex to her Poke Ball. “Go, Lanturn!” Lanturn was sent out.

“You deserve a rest, Puja!” Said Louise, returning the Hypno to her Poke Ball. “Go, Bella!” Bella was sent out, and she had a Yache Berry in her mouth.

“Bella!” Said Louise. “Use Leaf Storm!” Bella whipped up a storm of sharp leaves that scooped up Lanturn, leaving the Light Pokemon with 40% of his HP.

“Lanturn!” Said Xi. “Use Ice Beam!” Lanturn fired an icy beam at Bella, but luckily, the Yache Berry weakened the attack.

“Bella!” Said Louise. “Use Energy Ball!” Bella fired a ball of energy at Lanturn, and the Light Pokemon fainted.

“I still have one more chance!” Said Xi, returning Lanturn to his Poke Ball. “Go, Sharpedo!” Sharpedo was sent out.

“You deserve a rest, Bella!” Said Louise, returning the Victreebel to her Poke Ball. “Go, Maggie!” Maggie was sent out.

“Sharpedo!” Said Xi. “Use Earthquake!” Shapredo shook the ground violently, and this move would’ve made Maggie faint, but it had one Hit Point left thanks to its Sturdy Ability.

“Maggie!” Said Louise. “Use Thunderbolt!” Maggie dropped a wicked bolt of lightning on Sharpedo, leaving the Brutal Pokemon with 40% of his HP.

“Sharpedo!” Said Xi. “Use Crunch!” Sharpedo bit at Maggie with sharp fangs, and even though it made the Magnezone faint, the Brutal Pokemon had some teeth break off.

“You did a great job, Maggie!” Said Louise, returning the Magnezone to its Poke Ball. “Go, Luisa!” Luisa was sent out, but Xi couldn’t help but laugh.

“Don’t you know anything, fatso?” She said. “Sharpedo has the Ability Rough Skin, and any physical attacks will harm the Defending Pokemon!”

“That’s a risk I’m willing to take!” Said Louise. “Luisa, use Close Combat!” Luisa fought Sharpedo in close without guarding herself, and the Brutal Pokemon fainted. She also hurt her hands from touching Shapredo.

“I can’t believe it!” Said Xi, returning Sharpedo to his Poke Ball. “I won’t tell you where Gong Shen is, but I will tell you where to go next: The Fire-Type Gym, but don’t expect Shenji to be there.

“Maybe we’ll find another clue, Louise.” Said Ping. “Come on. Let’s find another Pokemon Center to heal your Pokemon and change your team.”

Author's notes: When a Pokemon wears Heavy-Duty Boots, it will not be affected by trap movies such as Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Sticky Web.
When a Pokemon holds a Yache Berry, it weakens the damage from a super-effective Ice-Type attack. This is useful since there are four Types that are weak against Ice: Grass, Flying, Ground, and Dragon.

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