Monday, August 19, 2024

Louise vs. the Equalites Chapter 10

Louise and Ping soon arrived at the Fire-Type Gym, and her team consisted of Emmet, Luisa, Diana, Rockette, Puja, and Mupyon (her Golurk). When they entered the Gym, Quin was nowhere to be seen. Instead, it was another one of the Equalite Grunts, Ransho.

“Sorry, but Shenji isn’t home.” He said. “He moved to, uh, Unova!”

“That’s absurd!” Said Ping. “He can’t handle the filthy air of Unova.”

“He moved to one of the cleaner towns in Unova.” Countered Ransho. While the two men were talking, Louise explored the Gym and found something very surprising in the closet: It was Shenji tied to a chair with a sock in his mouth! She yanked the sock out of his mouth and untied him.

“Thank you so much!” Said Ransho. “I need to change my clothes, brush my teeth and tongue, and take my shower.” He then looked at Ransho. “Wait a minute. You’re the one who tied me up! Let me at you!”

“You don’t even have your Pokemon with you, Mr. I’m-Afraid-of-Germs!” Retorted Ransho. “I took them from you and placed them in my satchel.” Ping soon had enough of this arguing.

“You’re both acting like children!” He shouted. “Shenji, you take a shower. Louise, go battle Ransho to settle this feud. Besides, he knows where Gong Shen is located.”

“That’s right!” Said Ransho. “But I’m saying a word unless you beat me. Go, Rotom!” Heat Rotom was sent out.

“I choose you!” Said Louise. “Diana!” Diana was sent out.

“Rotom!” Said Ransho. “Use Discharge!” Rotom attacked everything around it with electricity, leaving Diana with 80% of her HP.

“Diana!” Said Louise. “Use Stone Edge!” Diana stabbed Rotom with sharp stones, leaving the Plasma Pokemon with half its HP.

“Rotom!” Said Ransho. “Use Overheat!” Rotom attacked Diana with all its power, but it did little damage to the Carbink.

“What the Ducklett?” Ransho exclaimed. “Your Carbink is supposed to melt from the heat!”

“Looks like someone didn’t do their research!” Laughed Louise. “Rock-Type Pokemon are resistant to Fire-Type attacks. Diana, use Power Gem!” Diana attacked Rotom with a ray of light that sparkled as if it were made of gemstones, and the Plasma Pokemon fainted.

“Luckily, my next Pokemon is a beast in every use of the word!” Said Ransho, returning Rotom to its Poke Ball. “Go, Houndoom!” Houndoom was sent out.

“You deserve a rest, Diana!” Said Louise, returning the Carbink to her Poke Ball. “Go, Emmet!” Emmet was sent out, and he was holding a Water Gem in his right paw.

“Emmet!” Said Louise. “Use Wave Crash!” Emmet shrouded himself in water and slammed into the target with full force, making Houndoom faint.

“Time to bring out the big guns!” Said Ransho, returning Houndoom to her Poke Ball. “Go, Incineroar!” Incineroar was sent out, but its fire belt was missing.

“Something seems off.” Said Ping. “That Incineroar is missing its fire belt. Something tells me that it’s either a Ditto or a Zoroark. Better send out Luisa just in case.”

“Already on it!” Said Louise as she returned Emmet to his Poke Ball. “Go, Luisa!” Luisa was sent out.

“Incineroar!” Said Ransho. “Use Flamethrower!” ‘Incineroar’ breathed very hot flames on Luisa, leaving the Hariyama with 75% of her HP.

“Luisa!” Said Louise. “Use Drain Punch!” Luisa attacked ‘Incineroar’ with an energy-draining punch, which not only restored her HP, but also uncovered the Heel Pokemon’s true identity: A Zoroark.

“A Zoroark?” Asked Ping. “Isn’t that cheating?”

“Yeah? Well, Flint in Sinnoh used to have Steelix, Lopunny, and Drifblim before releasing them in the wild!” Retorted Ransho. “Zoroark, use Aerial Ace!” Zoroark confounded Luisa with speed and slashed, dealing 60 Hit Points to the Hariyama.

“Hariyama!” Said Louise. “Use Close Combat!” Luisa fought Zoroark in close without guarding herself, and the Illusion Fox Pokemon fainted.

“I still have one more chance!” Said Ransho as he returned Sharpedo to his Poke Ball. “Go, Salazzle!” Salazzle was sent out, and she had a Focus Sash wrapped around her neck like a scarf.

“You deserve a rest, Luisa!” Said Louise, returning the Hariyama to her Poke Ball. “Go, Rockette!” Rockette was sent out.

“Salazzle!” Said Ransho. “Use Attract!” Salazzle blew a kiss at Rockette to make the Golem fall in love with her, but nothing happened.

“Rockette is a girl, you dumbo!” Said Louise. “Rockette, use Earthquake!” Rockette shook the floor violently, leaving the Toxic Lizard Pokemon with one Hit Point left.

“Salazzle!” Said Ransho. “Use Trailblaze!” Salaazle attacked Rockette suddenly as if leaping out from tall grass, dealing 50 Hit Points to the Golem.

“Golem!” Said Louise. “Use Bulldoze!” Rockette stomped down on the ground and attacked everything around her, making Salazzle faint.

“Okay, I give up.” Admitted Ransho. “Gong Shen is in Ducai. He will be in the City Hall.”

“I should have known.” Said Ping.

“Why didn’t you go back to Ducai in the first place?” Asked Louise.

“He threatened to kill me and my Pokemon.” Responded the Professor. “Also, there was no wifi on the plane that I boarded to Johto.”

“Then let’s go!” Said Louise, as she returned Rockette to her Poke Ball and hurried over to Ducai, with Ping following in pursuit.

“What am I, chopped liver?” Asked Ransho. Emmet soon ran towards Ransho to take his satchel to return the stolen Pokemon to Quin.

Author's Note: In Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, since there are only five Fire-Type Pokemon native to Sinnoh (Chimchar, Monferno, Infernape, Ponyta, and Rapidash), the Fire-Type Elite Four member Flint uses three Pokemon that are not part Fire: Steelix, Lopunny, and Drifblim. Luckily, they fixed it in Platinum by replacing those Pokemon with Flareon, Houndoom, and Magmortar.

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