Saturday, September 17, 2016

Muppets Inc Chapter 16

Marc, Splurge, and Boo escaped from Lenny's lair, and once again, started running.
"This is crazy." Said Marc. "He's going to kill us! We gotta get out of here now! We can start a whole new life somewhere far away. Goodbye, Muppets Inc! Goodbye, JP Grosse!" Before Marc was about to exit the building, Splurge had an idea: He was going to tell JP all about Lenny's plot.
Meanwhile, in the simulation room, JP was criticizing Gonzo for balancing on one foot with his nose curled out.
"No, no, no, no!" Said JP. "You're supposed to scare the child, not lull it to sleep!"
"I was going for a ninja/aardvark approach with a little snorting." Said Gonzo. Suddenly, Splurge burst into the room to spill the beans about Lenny.
"George." Said JP. "Perfect timing. Show these monsters how it's done." The animatronic kid started resetting. Splurge tried to talk JP out of the scare demonstration, but JP resented. Boo walked over to the animatronic's bet to find Splurge, unaware of the events that would unfold.
"Now, give us a big, loud roar." Said JP.
"Mr. Grosse," Said Splurge. "There's no time for this."
"Come on. What are you waiting for? Roar!"
"But sir!"
"Roar!" Splurge roared like a bear, scaring the animatronic child. This impressed the recruit Muppets, Sam, and JP, but terrified Boo. Splurge tried to talk to her, but she kept running away. Boo tripped over a wire and her hood fell off. This caught the attention of JP, but Marc did his best at explaining the situation at hand. While trying to get Boo's attention, Splurge noticed himself on screen: the footage of him scaring the simulation child. Boo was in there, too, frightened as a child. She then ran towards JP.
"How could this happen?" Said JP, during his conversation with Marc. "Does anyone else know about this?"
"No, sir." Replied Marc.
"Good." Said Marc. "This company can't afford any more bad publicity. No before we do anything else, let's take care of the child."

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