Thursday, September 8, 2016

Muppets Inc Chapter 8

Meanwhile, at Finmiddag, the Swedish Chef was cooking good food for once, and Marc and Miss Piggy were talking about how her birthday was going so far. For the occasion, Piggy was wearing a special feather boa around her neck.
"What are you looking at?" She asked.
"I was just thinking about the first time I laid eye on you-" Said Marc. "And how pretty you looked. Back then, you didn't have that thing around your neck."
"I was thinking of throwing it away." She said. This scared her feather boa.
"No, I think it's cute." Said Marc. The boa sighed in relief. "I like everything about you. Just the other day, someone asked me who I thought was the most beautiful Muppet in Muppetopolis. You know what I said?"
"What did you say?" Asked Piggy.
"I said..." Suddenly, Marc saw Splurge in the window. "Splurge?"
"Splurge?" She asked.
"No!" Said Marc. "That was not was I was going to say." Splurge then interrupted the conversation to talk to Marc about the situation.
"What are you doing?" Asked Marc sternly. "You're ruining everything."
"I went back to get your paperwork..." Splurge explained. "And there was a door."
"What? A door?!"
"Lenny was in it!"
"Lenny? That cheater! He's trying to boost his numbers!"
"There's something else."
"Ook-lay in the ag-bay."
"Look in the bag." Marc looked under the table, but there was no bag. He then turned Splurge's large body over to see the impossible: The bag was walking! Splurge then ran off to find the bag.
"Marcus, what's going on?" Asked Miss Piggy.
"Piggy," Said Marcus. "Please try to understand. I have to do something!" He ran to a couple of Muppets waiting to get their picture taken. Suddenly, the kid jumped on the photographer's head. The kid them jumped off his head and onto a counter.
"Boo!" She said. This scared everyone in the restaurant. The Swedish Chef dialed the CDA (Children Detection Agency) to talk about the case.
"Det är ett barn här! En mänsklig unge!" He exclaimed in Swedish.
"Sorry, I can't understand what you’re saying," Said the guy on the phone. "But we'll be on our way."
As everyone was running out of the restaurant, Marc found a takeout box and put the child in it. He and Splurge then ran out of the restaurant, but Marc never got the chance to explain the situation to Miss Piggy. Meanwhile, Piggy got taken by the CDA to be decontaminated.
Author's Note: "Det är ett barn här! En mänsklig unge!" actually is Swedish for "There's a kid here! A human kid!"

1 comment:

  1. Andrew this is amazing. You should be in a business doing this and publishing this to make money.
