Monday, June 20, 2016

The Shinx Who Would Be King Chapter 17

With the guard Growlithe out of the way, Kimba and Gifuto are one step closer to saving the kingdom.
"Gifuto." Kimba said. "You gather the female Luxray. I'll look for Kizuato."
"Messua!" The Persian shouted. Messua walked through a lane of angry Growlithe. "Where's your hunting party? They're not doing their job."
"Kizuato, the herds have moved on." Said Messua.
"No, you're just not looking hard enough." Said Kizuato.
"It's over." Said Messua. "There's nothing left. We must leave Pride Rock."
"We're not going anywhere!" Kizuato declared.
"Then you have sentenced us to death."
"Then so be it!"
"You can't do that."
"I'm the king. I can do whatever I want."
"If you were half the king Raion was..." Messua was interrupted when Kizuato used Night Slash on her.
"I'm ten times the king Raion was!" Kizuato shouted. In the distance, Kimba was standing with vengeance. He walked over to Messua and nudged her head.
"Raion?" She asked.
"No, it's me." Said Kimba.
"Kimba? You're alive? How can that be?" Messua asked.
"It doesn't matter." Said Kimba. "I'm home."
"Kimba?" Said Kizuato. "Kimba, I'm surprised to see you...alive."
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't tear you apart." Said Kimba.
"Kimba, you must understand." Said Kizuato. "The pressures of ruling a kingdom..."
"Are no longer yours." Said Kimba. "Step down, Kizuato."
"I would naturally," Said Kizuato. "But there's one little problem. You see them." Kizuato pointed to the Growlithe. "They think I'm king."
"Well, we don't." Said Gifuto. "Kimba's the rightful king."
"The choice is yours, Kizuato." Said Kimba. "Either step down or fight."
"Must this all end with violence?" Said Kizuato. "I'd hate to be responsible for the death of a family member. Wouldn't you agree, Kimba?"
"That's not gonna work, Kizuato." Said Kimba. "I put it behind me."
"What about your faithful subjects?" Said Kizuato. "Have they put it behind them?"
"Kimba, what is he talking about?" Gifuto asked.
"Ah, so you haven't told them our little secret." Said Kizuato. "Well, Kimba. Now's your chance to tell. Tell them who's responsible for Raion's death!"
"I am." Said Kimba. The crowd stood silent.
"It's not true." Pleaded Messua. "Tell me it's not true."
"It's true." Replied Kimba.
"See, he admits it!" Said Kizuato. "Murderer!"
"No! It was an accident." Said Kimba.
"If it weren't for you, Raion would still be alive!" Kizuato shouted. "It's your fault he's dead! Do you deny it?"
"Then you're guilty!" Kizuato started to corner Kimba off the edge of the rock with his Growlithe.
"No, I'm not a murderer!" Said Kimba.
"Kimba, you're in trouble again." Said Kizuato. "But this time, your daddy isn't here to save you. And now everyone knows why!" Kimba was about to fall off the cliff, but he held on with his claws. In fear, a bolt of lighting stroke from his tail and lit a tree on fire. Flames started spreading around the rock.
"Now let me think." Said Kizuato. "Where have I seen this before? Oh, yes. This is exactly how your father looked when he died." He dug his claws into Kimba's front paws, just like how he did with Raion.
"And here's my secret." Kizuato whispered to Kimba. "I killed Raion." Memories started to flash through Kimba's mind.
"No!" He shouted, jumping back onto the rock. "Murderer!"
"Kimba, please." Begged Kizuato.
"Tell them the truth." Kimba demanded.
"Truth? But truth is eye of the behold-" Kimba eletricuted him. "Alright, alright! I did it."
"So they can hear you."
Upon hearing that, the Growlithe and Luxray start to battle. Kyatto and Baka-sha also helped by ramming into the dog Pokémon, just like how they did with those Mandibuzz. When Kimba was starting to get overpowered by the Growlithe, Yujin came along and hit one with his stick. He jumped into the battle and fought some more. At one point, Kyatto got chased by Yabani, Akuto, and Oroka and ran into Kizuato's cave. Xazu was still trapped in his cage.
"Let me out, let me out!" Xazu pleaded.
"Let me in, let me in!" Said Kyatto. Before they were going to get eaten, Baka came into the scene.
"Drop 'em." He said.
"Hey, who's the pig?" Asked Akuto.
"Are you taking to me?" Said Baka.
"Uh-oh, you called him a pig." Said Kyatto.
"Are you talking to ME?" Said Kyatto.
"Shouldn't have done that."
"Are you talking to ME?!"
"Now they're in for it."
"THEY CALL ME MR. PIG! AUGGGHHH!" Baka-sha beat up Yabani and Akuto and chased them out.
"Yeah, yellow-belly!" The Emboar cheered. "Woop, woop, woop, woop!"

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