Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Little Lost Luvdisc Chapter 17

While Marlon was swimming home, he encountered a school of Feebas. Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice in the distance. When he turned around, it was Waseri with Rakki!
"Rakki!" He shouted. "I'm coming Rakki!" Marlon gives Rakki a big hug. "Thank goodness. It's all right, son. It's gonna be okay." However, when they turned around, the Feebas school and Waseri got trapped in a big net.
"He-e-e-e-e-lp!" She pleaded. "Help! Get us out!"
"No, no, no!" Said Marlon. "Waseri!" Rakki then thought of a plan: He would swim inside the net, since he was small enough, and tell all the fish to swim down, just like back in the tank.
"Dad," Said Rakki. "I know what to do!" However, Marlon grabbed his behind.
"Rakki! No!" Demanded Marlon. "I'm not going to lose you again!"
"But dad!" Said Rakki. "It's the only way to save Waseri! We have to tell all the fish to swim down! I know this will work!" Marlon decided to trust Rakki, since he trusted Waseri during his adventure.
"You're right." He said, letting go of Rakki. "I know you can."
"Lucky fin!" Said Rakki, giving Marlon a high-five with his deformed pectoral fin.
"Now, go!" Said Marlon. "Hurry!"
"Tell all the fish to swim down!" Said Rakki, as he swam through the net to find Waseri.
"You heard my son!" Marlon told the Feebas school. "Swim down!" Meanwhile, Rakki found Waseri and started explaining the plan to her.
"Waseri!" He said. "We have to tell everybody to swim down!"
Everyone began swimming downwards and, in a matter of minutes, broke the net off of the boat. When everyone was freed, Marlon saw Rakki lying on the seabed.
"Rakki!" He shouted. Marlon swam over to him and uncovered part of the net that was covering him. Rakki then woke up and coughed out some sand.
"Daddy?" Asked Rakki.
"Thank goodness." Said Marlon.
"Dad," Said Rakki. "I don't hate you."
"Oh, no, no, no, no." Said Marlon. "I'm sorry, Rakki. Guess what?"
"What?" Asked Rakki.
"You know Blastoise?" Marlon began. "I met one. He was 2,000 years old."
"But Rocky Relicanth said they only live to be a thousand." Said Rakki.
"Rocky Relicanth?" Said Marlon. "Do you think I would cross the entire ocean and not know as much as that living fossil? He was 2,000, not a thousand! Who is this Rocky Relicanth who knows everything?" Rakki, Marlon, and Waseri would head back to Ever Grande City after that.
Author's Note: I chose Feebas as the fish in peril because the Pokemon Feebas is nearly impossible to catch.

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